View Full Version : Chicago Musky Show ?

10-01-2011, 03:33 PM
Has anyone gone to the Chicago show? Is it worth the drive? How long did it take. My son and I are thinking of making the drive. Have always wanted to meet Larry Dahlberg. Any info would be appreciated.

Todd Jackson

Rob VanGorder
10-02-2011, 06:09 PM
Todd - A couple of us made the road trip in 2010. 6 hours +/- depending on where you live. It's not a trip I'd make every year, but it was cool to see. Huge show, pool side seminars, etc. We stayed at the show hotel and met the guys who put it on that night. First class operation.

Obviously a lot more muskie guys in that geography, so it was packed. By Saturday afternoon it was shoulder to shoulder in every aisle. If you're going to spend time talking to someone specific, I'd recommend Friday, early Saturday or late on Sunday. Just my $0.02.

Definitely worth the trip.