View Full Version : Cedar R walleyes

09-29-2011, 09:35 AM
All of the launch is open at Cedar R. now. Went out last night and caught a nice limit of Walleyes. The biggest a fat 26 inch fish. DD Reef Runner in purple and a Purple Deep Thunderstick caught 2 each. A ripstick in Gold and a little purple on two colors of lead caught one more. My first time fishing walleyes out of Cedar R. There were about 8 boats working the same reef. Got some good info in the parking lot from a nice gentleman from the Rhinelander area. First fish came about 8, last just before ten. Not fast but steady fishing
I kept these fish to eat and I am looking forward to some good meals.

Mactracker 17
09-29-2011, 11:04 AM
Hey Rambler,

How far out were you and how deep of water were you fishing. Nice limit of fish and I want to get there soon and am looking for a reef or spot to fish.

09-29-2011, 01:16 PM
About 1.5 miles SE of the River mouth is the far end of the reef. It comes up to about 26-27 feet. Trolled back and forth on top of the reef with several other boats. It's close, no big boat ride. If you go near dark I expect there will be a string of boats to follow.
Good Luck!

09-29-2011, 01:19 PM
Fatboys! Sure do look healthy, don't they? Nice catch.

09-29-2011, 01:57 PM
Did I mention I like to eat fish?
They were some healthy fish for sure and now my belly is full.
I am hoping a few more people will post there results here. The forum has slowed down since a year ago. I believe some people are still fishing, when I can't get out I enjoy reading about it.
Good fishing people!

schmutzomatic 5000
09-29-2011, 05:57 PM
Good show Rambler,
I believe the lack of reports you speak of is because of constant harassment when you post pic's. As you have stated yourself people get "gun shy" and it is just not worth it. Nice fish, would be rockin out tonight I bet with this wind.... tight lines

The Bait Shop Guy
09-29-2011, 06:19 PM
Thanks for the report, Rambler. What kind of work did they do to the ramp?

schmutzomatic 5000
09-29-2011, 06:33 PM
They replaced all the cement ramps in the water with new cement ramps. Some may think it was a waste cause it was the best ramp around, but some of the old cement had a 10" hole in it. hole was way far in so most never knew unless you had a really big rig. New cement is longer and really nice too. Was a crappy time to do it (is there ever a good time to close a ramp??) but had to be done when the water was at it's lowest level.

09-29-2011, 08:30 PM
It's easy to get gun shy and it's easy to harass people. I personally love to eat fish and game and love chasing 'em too. I have been known to return fish to the water and I keep fish to eat too. I have gotten good info off of this site in the past. Most notably a 32 inch walleye last year that Walligator Getter helped put me on to by indicating that some good fishing was in the area. I release that fish but we kept some other nice ones that night that were mighty tasty. I don't get out near as much as I would like, as is the case with many I am sure. I abide by the laws and I want this great resource to be here for my Grand kids so I don't want to harm it. Some though decide to throw stones and have lots of answers. Me..........my hide is thick and my head a little thicker. I like to eat fish.

Sea Weed
09-30-2011, 11:42 PM
Wow those are some nice fish...
Way to go...
Thanks for the good info as well...


Mactracker 17
10-03-2011, 10:15 AM
About 1.5 miles SE of the River mouth is the far end of the reef. It comes up to about 26-27 feet. Trolled back and forth on top of the reef with several other boats. It's close, no big boat ride. If you go near dark I expect there will be a string of boats to follow.
Good Luck!

Thanks Rambler for the information. Hope to get there one evening this week. I will let you know if we have any luck. Thanks again.

10-03-2011, 12:20 PM
Looks to me like the totally replace the ramps Chris. Evidently there were some problems with the old ones. I have only fished out of there a couple of times and I hadn't noticed any problem last year but the new ramps are great!
Nice Small mouth by the way!