View Full Version : Fishing report for Sunday 9-25-2011

09-26-2011, 07:46 AM
Hi everyone,

Fished for a little over a half day Sunday. No Walleyes but some good Crappies and Perch. Kept enough for dinner and released the rest. Caught everyting on minnows while jigging and slip bobbering. All were caught in the deep wood.

The weather was cool but not to bad. Started out cloudy, but it cleared up a little and the sun felt warm. The water temps were 59 degrees with the air temps getting up into the 60's. the wind was from the South east just strong enough to provide a decent chop. There were a few duck hunters around. Heard a fair amount of shooting, so I assume it was a good hunt. Around noon I saw a bunch of ducks piling into an area out of sight from the main lake. No shooting going on in there so they found a refuge. Midday it pays to go do some jump shooting.

A reminder, order your copy of the "The Walleyemaxx System" today. Click on this link http://www.walleyemaxx.com/pages/the-walleyemaxx-system-book.php. Thanks. The trees are starting to turn colors. I would quess that within the next week the trees will explode with thier colors providing beautifull scenery. Make plans to come up and enjoy this spectacular time of year. I still have openings, so email me and we'll set up a nice fall fishing trip. Good luck fishing everyone.


09-27-2011, 08:50 AM
Brother caught a 28 incher that Sunday night. Little over 7 pounds and released. Pictures were taken on a disposable so when those get developed i will post.

09-27-2011, 12:37 PM
Nice fish Jamie! What and how? Deep or shallow, live bait? Be sure to post the pic when you get them.


09-27-2011, 12:57 PM
Fishing deep humps with jig and night crawler.

09-29-2011, 10:05 AM
Hi everyone,

Here's the picture of Jamies 28"er. A little fuzzy, but that's as good as we could clear it up. Can still see the size of the Walleye. Nice going Jamie. I quess that puts Jamie light years ahead of everybody eh?
