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View Full Version : Sugar Camp action

09-14-2011, 02:33 PM
Hey Gare, probably don't remember me, we met at Nutz fundraiser on Nokomis. Bringing my wife to Pitlik's Monday. Has turnover happened yet? Will you post after the outing on Echo Saturday?

09-27-2011, 01:22 PM
gare, Char's gotta tuck her tired whiney little boy in each night because he's tired and rubbing his eyes? Where's the musky fishing, skull popping, b.s. funny guy I last saw a year ago?????????? It
looks like I'm going to have to come up there "and a set things right!" Next month when I get up that way, we'll have to tag team Char and give her the beat down she deserves. Hope we win, lol! If we lose, I'll get my buddy Randy K. to help us on the rematch. Amy thinks she'll be off for Veteran's Day weekend, so I'll keep the cabin open and depending on weather maybe we'll fish with you, but will come and visit with you two either way. Sound like a plan?