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View Full Version : Let's Get this thread Going! Late Report for Sat 9/10 to Sun 9/11

WiiL Fish
09-14-2011, 01:08 PM
Myself and my sons Jeff & Joe teamed up with with friends Darrel & Tom and pulled split shifts this past weekend, on Saturday Darrel & Tom took the day shift and worked primary breaks, weedlines & humps from Linn pier east, they were drop shotting finesse plastics under warm sunny skies with a good stiff breeze & a ton of pleasure boaters.. Fishing was tough with only one smallie and a couple decent perch taken..
Part 2 Night Shift
Me & my boys launched at Linn around 9:30pm and started zigzaging between the primary & secondary breaks just west of Linn trying to locate fish under the nearly full moon.. We were all dropshotting finesse plastics. Finally around 10:30 Jeff tied into 2 smaller smallies in 23ft at the weedlines then they stopped, not even a rockie.. We shot over to black point & started our search again & around midnight the fish turned on, I put 7 smallies in the between midnight & 3am 6 wre between 3# & 3.79# and 2 fish were between 2.25# & 2.75# all caught in 23ft dropshotting a wacky rigged dropshot worm (color didn't matter) that was pinched off down to about 3" and dead sticked.. Joe picked up a bunch of Rockies & 22" pike & lost several other nice fish & Jeff picked up a bunch of Rockies also.. Both boys who are very good & experienced anglers were both dropshotting the same worms as myself and for whatever reason did not pinch them off or rig them wacky. I'm not sure which of the 2 subtle changes I made was the reason for my sucess but again it proves that the little details & changes in your presentations can make a big difference in your sucess on the water.
Part 3 Sunday Day Shift
I contacted Darrel & gave him the details on the night trip & he headed out Sunday morning & pretty much retraced our night trip except under a bright sun and a crowded lake full of anglers & pleasure boaters until it became too rough out there. They ended up with a pair of smallies & a few rockies for their efforts..