View Full Version : Diane's BIG pike!

The Bait Shop Guy
09-11-2011, 10:27 PM
After getting home from helping at the walleye tournament weigh-in, I decided to make a quick fishing trip down to the Escanaba harbor and try for some pike. I asked Diane if she wanted to come along, and she said yes. I set her up with a large white and chartreuse spinnerbait and told her to hold on to the rod with both hands, (we were trolling at fairly high speed, and even small fish hit extremely hard.) I threw out my favorite Grandma crankbait and we started our troll. We didn't even go 100 yards before a fish hit Diane's bait so hard, it almost pulled her out of the seat! She fought the fish well, and after a great fight, it was in the net. Turned out to be her biggest fish ever - a beautiful 44 inch northern pike! About this time I realize I forgot to bring the camera, (never fails - the one time you don't bring it, you catch a pig!) Luckily we live close by, so I put her in the livewell, and motored back to the access. Ran home to get the camera and call my folks to meet us at the dock for some pics. After a quick photo session, she was released.

Way to go Diane!:D

09-12-2011, 08:08 AM
That's a beauty for sure!

09-12-2011, 01:41 PM
Awesome fish Diane!!! I'd imagine it must've been one of those "heart-stopper" hits! I've never caught a pike that big.

09-12-2011, 04:03 PM
Congrats Diane!! Should be very proud of that beauty and nice job on the camera. Great pic.

IM MuskyTime
09-12-2011, 09:25 PM
Congrats on an awesome fish....and a GREAT example of catch and release! Maybe someone else will get her and experience that thrill.

The Bait Shop Guy
09-13-2011, 09:01 AM
Thank you everyone! Of course I had a lot of help from Chris-I never go fishing without him!!


The Bait Shop Guy
09-14-2011, 10:28 AM
We thought briefly about keeping it for the wall, but decided to let it go after getting some good pictures. Here are a couple of the release shots.

IM MuskyTime
09-17-2011, 02:20 PM
Still can get it for the wall if you want.....love to see people go the route of the replica on these big esox, which are particularly rare these days in the U.P. Replicas aren't just for muskies. I'm sure there are some locals who are capable, but I hear Realistic Taxidermy in Norway has a good reputation. Prices are very comparable to skin mounts these days and if you get a good replica, you're hard pressed to tell the difference. Very cool release pics....Congrats again!

schmutzomatic 5000
09-18-2011, 10:31 AM
14717Caught a few nice pike lately. Here is a friday pic of one a little under 36". Quick pic and a measure and back she goes... Memory and a pic is good enough for me.. Next time she comes to the boat maybe she will b over 40... Besides not bad bein under 40... wish I was :rolleyes:

09-23-2011, 06:26 AM
Beautiful pike Diane, that "guide" of yours sure knows what he's doing and where to do it...that certainly must have been a thrill to fight that baby all the way to the boat. (I can't believe he forgot the camera)

The Bait Shop Guy
09-27-2011, 08:27 PM
Caught and released this one tonight. Not quite as nice as Diane's fish, but a respectable 38 incher. Just got a new "big fish" net today, and was able to put it to good use on it's inaugural trip.

And I even remembered to bring the camera!

09-28-2011, 08:01 PM
Nice fish Chris. Yes its always nice to have a big net for those pike. Sucks when the fish is longer than the net and they flop out.

11-17-2011, 11:06 PM
Nice fish! Almost looks familiar. My buddy and I caught and successfully released this 43 inch beast on July 5th in the Escanaba Harbor as well. Possibly the same fish?
http://hphotos-iad1.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/267877_10150228924082879_579042878_7285175_7325446 _n.jpg

The Bait Shop Guy
11-18-2011, 06:28 PM
Man, there were a lot of big pike in the harbor this year! The spots on Diane's fish were smaller, and less distinct. Not to mention the inch difference in length, (I doubt one would add 1 inch in just a couple of months.) I do know a guy that got one there later in August or early September that went 43 inches. He kept that one for the wall. Might have been the same one. I know of 4 other fish over 40 inches that were caught down there this year, so who knows.

Congrats on a great fish. What did you catch it on?