View Full Version : What a Joke

Capt. Keith Wils
09-08-2011, 01:51 PM
Tribal fisherman sentenced to $300 in fines and costs

September 8, 2011

MANISTIQUE - A tribal-licensed commercial fisherman from Garden was sentenced to $300 in fines and costs for gill net violations in Lake Michigan this summer.

Wade Jensen, of Fairport, was cited for four miles of unmarked and unattended gill nets located five miles east of the Garden Peninsula June 4.

09-08-2011, 01:56 PM
Well, now he knows next time he can set 8 or 12 miles, why mess around with just FOUR MILES of f'in gill net.


schmutzomatic 5000
09-08-2011, 03:31 PM
Now that is making an example of someone for the others to learn from... Oh, excuse me I just threw up a little....

09-08-2011, 06:08 PM
Another Display of INJUSTICE in our face !
Seems a very small minority get favored treatment while the VAST MAJORITY of law abiding Fishermen are powerless and unrewarded for doing the right thing.
I wonder what it takes to drag 4 miles of net to shore ?

Mike P
09-12-2011, 10:13 AM
You know after all thats gone on over the last number of years, its time to hold our powers to be accountable for the appropriate results for peope who simply disregard laws meant to protect the masses.
Just WHO is responsible for setting these fines, and how exactly to THEY arrive at them?

I along with many others would truly like to know. When their names and phone numbers are posted here on this site I have to think it would be great if EVERYBODY gave them a call and let THEM know just how we feel about these token fines. Then maybe things will be handled differently in the future!

Anybody else have any constuctive ideas?

Mr. Marbles
09-12-2011, 03:26 PM
Wow!! Pretty Stiff penalty $300. I know a guy that had to pay $250 for having one (1) treestep screwed into a non harvestable cedar tree. Just think for an extra $50 bucks he could have helped destroy the walleye population instead of wrecking some bark. So I guess the bark is almost as bad as the bite for a few more years. Way to teach this guy a lesson!!! A shame to screw the sportsman and all the folks that have been pitching in and restocking the Bay's with time and money. Oh, well could have been worse, it was only 4 miles of net..........><((((*>

Mike P
09-12-2011, 06:02 PM
After reading the Daily Press I thought both the Jensens were serving a year in Delta County jail. How is it this ones out, Im confused.