View Full Version : Fishing report for 8-21-2011

08-22-2011, 08:35 AM
Hi everyone,

The day started out with a bright blue cloudless sky at 6 oclock in the morning. Air temp was 47. Needless to say" classic cold front". The water temp had cooled down to 73 degrees from 75 the day before. That was a good thing. The water temps have been very warm all summer which was good for the forage, so the Walleyes didn't need what we were throwing to them. They just had to lay around and open their mouths and let the forage swim in!

If the water continues to cool down at a slow rate, the fishing for everything will get better and better. I did see a bug hatch occuring Sat. afternoon just before the storm came in, but even the bug hatches will start to diminish. As the forage turns now to minnows and YOY fish, I think we will see a better weed bite for all species of fish because the minnows are more in the weeds than out deep. I'm not seeing the clouds of bait fish over the humps like I did all summer. As the wter cools,the minnows and YOY will migrate heavy to the weeds for cover and the warmer water the shallows provide.

I fished a few new spots that looked promising and caught the usuall Blugills, perch and bass. Did manage one small walleye. Just after noon,I rounded a corner and saw some huge dark clouds coming. As I was trying to decide to wait out the storm or call it a day, I had some hail bounce off my noggin. I figured thats it. I called it a day. The new spots I tried this weekend all have promise, so I'm excited for the fall when the forage makes their migration back to the deep. these new spots should hold lots of forage and big Walleyes. If you are thinking of making a fall trip for Walleyes, give me a call. We can work out an exciting fall fishing trip.

I caught all the fish on jigs and leeches again. I talked to my bait man and he informs me that leeches are starting to be harder to get, so I ordered a half pound. that's all he would allow me so he has enough for other guys. I would sugest everyone who likes leeches to order them now.

I found my camera tranfer cord, so I posted the pictures from Sat. as well as today. Be sure to check out the Catfish! Good luck fishing everyone.
