View Full Version : August 9th and 10th report

Ty Sennett
08-11-2011, 07:20 AM
I had the same group out the last two days and while there was a cold front that came in we still moved and caught some fish. I actually think the cold front is good for the lake since the water temps got pretty warm there for a while. On the 9th we had quite a bit of wind so we threw bucktails most of the day. It paid off for us with two fish in the boat. One was a mid thirty inch fish and the other was a really nice 44 inch tiger. I'll make sure to get some photos uploaded today or tomorrow. We had a few other follows but none hit. Yesterday was a little tougher. The front had moved through and they were a little finicky. We had three follow during the day. Two were in the low forty inch range and one was an upper thirty inch fish. They turned off pretty hard and didn't go into the figure eight. I went out last night also for an hour after hanging out with friends for dinner and we had one follow a Cowgirl. Didn't get a great look at it though. It went into the figure eight and then turned off. Overall the last two days were ok and I'm guessing it will get better and better this coming week if the weather stays cool at night.

Good luck,

Mark Benson
08-11-2011, 10:52 AM

If the fish are as excited about the cooling off as we are, it could be a pretty neat week/weekend, what with the full moon and all...
