View Full Version : A little help.

1042 Getaway
08-03-2011, 10:08 AM
Have a place in the Garden area, up for the week staring Friday have two young nephews with and looking for any spots were the fishing might be active. I launch out of the garden ramp and familiar with the bay. Any ideas or what your using would be a great help. Thanks in advance.

08-04-2011, 06:28 PM
I fish out of Garden, there are usually small mouth around the edge of the bay in 4' to 8' f.o.w. A single hook with a nightcrawler and a quarter inch diameter split shot about a foot above it works for me. For the kids to have fun, work from the reeds at the head of Garden Bay and work out of the Bay casting that nightcrawler, there are a lot of rock bass in that area!