View Full Version : Chippewa Flowage fishing report 7-31-2011

07-31-2011, 07:08 PM
Hi everyone,

Yesterday I found where the Walleyes were. Today I found where they weren't. The Bluegills and the SM.Bass are every where though. I caught a ton of both. In fact I caught more SM Bass than Blugills. To throw in the mix was some Perch and a Northern. I caught everything on leeches and jigs with some on the slip bobber and leech/jig

The sun was beating down on me the whole time. The air temp was in the high eighties and the water temp was 81 degrees. The fish aren't swimming, but rather taking a bath!! It's brutal. Wasn't to windy and what wind we had was from the west.

Tommorow guide for a full day. We'll be working hard to find the Walleyes. I'm sure we'll catch plenty of everything else looking for them. That's what makes it fun. Catching multi species. Good luck fishing everyone.


07-31-2011, 07:46 PM
Hi WalleyeMax: we will be coming up on Aug 10-14, it looks like a cold front coming through. Any thoughts on it affecting the fishing, good or bad?

07-31-2011, 09:39 PM
Hi Chops,

Lot depends just how severe the cold front is. If we have sky high pressure, that will slow fishing some. You just have to change tactics. Usually smaller and slower. Right now I'm doing that with the fairly high barometer we are experiencing and having some success. Lets wait and see how severe the cold front is. Sometimes a cold front in the summer can help if it cools the water temps a little. Right now it is bath water warm. If the barometer yoyo's up and down a lot every day, that would be the worst.
