View Full Version : T.F.F. Update

Don Pemble
07-28-2011, 07:25 PM
The past few days has seen some very good walleye action despite the hot weather, bright sky's, and lack of wind to say the least. I have been finding very good action in 6 to 9 feet of water over and around the midlake humps, especially the ones with the bigger stumps on them. Using 1/16th ounce Reeves weedless jigs tipped with medium size leeches or 1/2 crawler, and a very slow retrieve just keeping the bait in contact with the bottom has been the best method of putting not only the eyes in the boat, but the smallies as well. As far as panfish goes, the cribs can produce good numbers of fish, but so can the shoreline weeds such as coontail and cabbage. These hot days with bright sky's and lack of wind can be very productive for panfish as they tuck into these weeds for cover and new bug hatches that are occurring daily out there. Vertical jigging these weeds or using a slip bobber rig can result in great catches from these areas. Keep your jigs size 1/16 ounce or smaller and your slip bobber just big enough to keep your 1 inch peice of crawler afloat.

Best of luck to all.