View Full Version : July 16 - 23 report: tough week

07-25-2011, 01:45 PM
No pictures to post and no stories to tell of the big one that got away. For two guys who have enjoyed some very productive weeks, this last week was more than frustrating.

In one week, I moved two fish, both on topwater (a pacemaker then a tallywacker) and both in the evening five days apart. Neither fish felt the hooks because neither fish actually had the hooks in his mouth. Each tried to eat it and missed. They don't have perfect aim apparently. Between the two fish, I saw nothing for days.

Neither of us moved a single fish on a bucktail. Neither of us actually had a fish on, and neither of us has a clue of what we could have done to improve our success rate for last week. As some have noted, the weeds on the east are minimal at best. The weeds on the west are very healthy in many places. The sides are as different as I have seen them in the last 10 years.

Water temps consistently topped 80' and water levels remain higher than normal for this time of year. Weather was all over the spectrum - intense heat followed by intense storms. Wind speed and direction changed 180' on more than one occasion.

So, nothing to post except that we got smoked by the Chip this last week. I whimpered home, tail between my legs.