View Full Version : How's the fishing been?

Fin Bender
07-25-2011, 08:50 AM
How about an update? How is the fishing on the area flowages and river systems been? Where have the 'eye's and smallies been?

07-27-2011, 05:19 PM
Hopefully we get a report soon. I will be up in a few weeks and was also wondering what is been going on up there. I have read on some other boards that there has been an algae bloom on some northwoods lakes and was wondering if this occurred in the Tomahawk area.

Fin Bender
07-28-2011, 08:20 AM
I'm heading to tomahawk tomorrow. Have not been up there for several weeks. Are the leeches still in good shape? and are they still good choice for SMB and 'eye? Before the hot weather hit we found fish in 6-8 FOW on the bottom, that was during the day and during the mayfly explosion. What's a good pattern to try now?

07-28-2011, 07:29 PM
just what I hear but the smallies and eyes are hitting different styles of crankbaits and relating to shallow weed edges and rocks. I too will be up starting next week and will post what I can on the bite.

07-28-2011, 07:50 PM
I will be up the week after you guys and will try to report in at some point throughout the week via if the internet on my phone works. Good luck and I am looking forward to your reports.

Fin Bender
08-01-2011, 08:43 AM
I made it to Tomahawk over the weekend. The fishing was slow, but there was enough action to keep us interested. Shallow running crank baits worked the best for us. Fishing weedlines was a good location. We lost a lot of fish, they wern't slamming the cranks so we were just barely hooking them. Smallmouth were the most active fish in the river, but some walleyes also were caught. Only one small pike was caught, strange because at times those small snakes seem to inhabit every inch of water. Bottom fishing (jigging) only procuded a few real fish, and many bullheads. Weather was hot and a big storm blew through mid-day saturday, lots of rain and wind.