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07-24-2011, 10:14 PM
up for a couple days with my family, so kept it to "action" fishing - panfish and bass. Any stump in 4 - 5' water had gills, rock bass, and an occasional smallie. Cribs were good on Friday but turned off after the front went through on Sat. Would get some nice perch out away from the stumps in the mud flats. Small jigs with light wire hooks and a weighted bobber, piece of crawler. Had 4 bass hit my kids bobbers so I presume the topwater bite is on.... I didn't bring my topwater stuff. With 2 kids, 2 dogs, and my wife in the boat it's just best to play guide and not try to seriously fish yourself, it just doesn't work. For anybody coming with kids/family - plan a 1/2 day or so at swimmers island.