View Full Version : Shocking Spillway muskies?

06-30-2011, 12:12 PM
I know that much of you dont even bother with the OGF reports, but I thought this was concern for most of us! The DNR was trying to save the Spillway Muskies!



Rob VanGorder
06-30-2011, 01:27 PM
A huge thank you is owed to Mark Steinert who took the lead on making this happen. At last count they had recovered 43 so far and were still at it. Any recovery beats the 100% mortality they were sure to experience if the stayed trapped below without a forage base. Thank you, Mark and all who took the time to help.

Bob Sisson
06-30-2011, 03:48 PM
Saw this going on this morning, I actually spent a good half hour with one particular 36 incher that didn't look like she was going to make it. When I left she had been swimming upright for at least 15 minutes but was still at the surface. I hope she makes it. When I talked with them this was the only fish so far that they looked to be in trouble.

Mark Steinert
06-30-2011, 05:08 PM
Hello all. We started at 9:30 this morning and the dnr stopped around 2:30. I went to the ramp with them on the final run and I stayed till around 4 to make sure that there were no floaters. When I left it looked good. There were a couple fish that were caught that had no chance because they had been tore up pretty bad coming over the dam but who knows. We released 53 total today and will be back at it around 10 tomorrow morning.We will have 2 trucks tomorrow moving fish. The dnr is doing everything they can to get these fish back up top. I realize we might loose some to delayed mortality but if we can get 200 up there and 150 live then that just means more chances for us. We "as a club" need to realize that we are loosing alot of fish that we have raised money for. Every fish below the dam will die without our help.The dnr has NEVER done a rescue like this and have done a great job so far. Well, Hopefully we can get 150 tomorrow.

06-30-2011, 08:30 PM
BIG BIG thanks to Mark for getting this thing going and to the ODNR for their efforts. It seems to me that it was a very successful day. I just got back from the lake and launched in the area that they dumped them. I drove around for 30 min. checking the cove and only saw two floaters that may or may not have been from the rescue operation. Regardless it seems like there was a great survival ratio. Great job guys!

Mark Steinert
07-01-2011, 06:14 AM
Anyone who would like to help, Come on down. We need people helping with the release. Making sure they are not "belly up". We all know how to revive them. Lets make sure we do everything we can for the fish.
Glad you put in Cliff. We knew going into it that we were going to loose some fish but this is the only option. I think it is working though overall.

Mark Steinert
07-01-2011, 03:36 PM
Just got back from day 2. The two day total ended up being 140 muskies put back in the main lake. I want to thank everyone who came down to help.
I would like to also thank the DNR for there help on this. Those guys were really great. If you see them this year tell them thanks. I know they appreciate it. I am tired and burnt to a crisp " no bimini...lol" but it was really worth it.
Hey Randy, Do I get to enter 140 fish on muskies ink?.....lol....I am just kidding.
Maybe I will be able to catch a few of the relesed ones another day.

Rob VanGorder
07-01-2011, 06:07 PM
Stopped down on my "lunch" break to check this out. Witnessed about 10 fish saved in a short 20 minute visit. I saw a lot of guys working very hard and giving their time selflessly to make a good thing happen. Thanks again to Mark, Elmer, Neil, Ron, Cliff, Jack and probably several others I didn't see (because I know some guys stayed at Galena working fish and reviving the ones that needed some help). First class effort, guys, way to go!

Also a big thanks to Scott Hale and all the DOW guys who worked to pull this off. They didn't get them all, but a lot was learned and they made one heck of a dent.

JetBoat George
07-01-2011, 11:57 PM
Wow...what great news! I've been wrapped up in my sons baseball schedule, but just checked in....AWESOME. So proud to be a part of this club. Any moving happening Sunday or Monday?

Mark Steinert
07-02-2011, 05:25 AM
They are done George. From what I understand the corps is going to drain the water on JULY19 to do somw work. We might be able to get some more then.

07-04-2011, 10:09 AM
I spoke with Jack yesterday and he shared the great news. GREAT JOB and THANK YOU to all who participated in the Great 2011 Muskie Rescue. A special thanks to Mark for his efforts in getting it going and our ODNR for listening and taking action.
This is fantastic.

07-05-2011, 03:04 PM
Thanks Mark and all involved for your efforts on this project. I don't think you can enter 140 releases Mark, but your efforts should certainly be rewarded with a big fish or two soon. I posted some pics in the 2011 Photos section of the site that were sent to me from Rob via Ron Murdock. Thanks again!