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View Full Version : Rowan opener

06-23-2011, 11:57 AM
The rowan opener got here with a major cold front 30 gusting to 50 out of the east and plummeting water temps like from high 60s to the low 50s just a disaster for our guests oh and lets throw some rain in there to o.k.Tough fishin to say the least had a father and son out wed found some 64deg water in 5 ft of water we saw 17 fish lost 2 and got in the net a 36 40 45 and got a very fat 49.All the fish were seen on the fudallys stump hawgs red or black flame blades Paul had 2 guys they caught 3 36 40 46 very shallow also on stump hawgs other guests are trout and walleye fishing and doing well despite the bad weather. Have seen some black bears swimmin around don't know what they are up to.They say the sun is going to shine soon but we shall see well that's it for now thanks for checking in and we will keep you up to date later thanks Don

06-28-2011, 10:39 AM
just wondering how silvia spitzer is doing? glad to hear the opener went so well for all the visitors, after hearing stories of the fishing i'll have to make a trip up asap.

06-28-2011, 04:02 PM
Hello silvia has caught 12 fish her biggest to date is a PIG 46 and several in the 42 range we were fishing to day together and my motor quiet several miles from the lodge got on the sat phone and ol' pauly came and toad us home so silvia and i have a make up day repair man coming in the am from Kenora laterDon