View Full Version : Musky Fishing for Kids

Pete Stoltman
06-20-2011, 08:55 AM
This is a perfect time of year if you'd like to introduce a youngster to musky fishing. We all know that hunting the elusive muskellunge can be a taxing and somewhat frustrating excercise for the most dedicated adults. Kids love action so a full day without action can put a kid off faster than you can blink. The beauty of early season musky fishing is that you may have the opportunity to catch multiple other species of fish. Right now downsized baits are doing the best and if you've got a kid throwing something like a Mepps Musky Killer, a spinnerbait, or small crankbait like a Big Game or Crane they're very likely to pick up some bass or pike on their way to that first musky. Be aware of the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) signals that a child is losing interest. Take a break when needed and there's no substitue for a little snack or drink to get a kids energy level back up. Be prepared to have a backup plan if things really are slow and maybe bring a simple setup like a spinning rod with some jigs and Mr. Twister tails for the kid to throw. They can pickup everything from panfish, bass, walleye, and yes maybe even that first musky if the fishing gods are smiling.