View Full Version : Saturday night gills with the wife.

06-19-2011, 10:00 AM
My wife and I fished for gills saturday night. Kept 24 total with 5 i really didnt want to keep but did because of a swallowed hook. Several throwbacks and lost fish, several small bass species and and a nice largemouth as a kicker. All on an ultralight rod which = s alot of fun. He was about 15 in and was one hell of a fight.

Fish were in 6-10 ft, only 3 had eggs left or all others were males, (dont know ?) Did see a few beds but the water temp is colder this time this year than last but all of you already know that. Some day summer will come.

On the way home near the passing lanes east of wolf lake rd heading twords MQT we saw a cow and a caf moose standing out in the bog. Several cars were stoped shooting pics, kinda bugged me a little, was afarid it would scare them out into the traffic and we would lose a pair of rare beauties. First time i ever saw a moose out that way in my 28 years, kinda cool.

06-19-2011, 10:24 AM
Hi All,

To place a photo on a post in Replying to a thread, on the bottom right side there is a button called Go Advanced to click, a new field will appear on the top bar there will be a paperclip for attachments click on that and a upload file manager box will appear that will have your library of photo's. To add a new photo on the top right there will be add files button click on that a new Upload Files from your Computer box will show up and select files button will be on the bottom to access your computer find the file and click open to load in the thread.

Hope this helps

Take Care

schmutzomatic 5000
06-19-2011, 11:23 AM
Well I am playing with new format to try it... Two small eye last nite.. Great fathers Day present. Daughter got um both..;)

06-19-2011, 03:25 PM
Figured it out now, thanks alot for the help. I put up the pictures.