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View Full Version : Fishing lake Gogebic

tim long
06-11-2011, 10:15 AM
The weather patterns have been all over the place. 40 degree change in temps. the wind has been crazy. The wind picked up the other night after midnight and had to go down to the docks and check on things and of course I had to spend some time making adjustment to the boats at the docks. we had 3 footers crashing over the docks. so with all these weather changes you have to be able to make adjustment with your fishing patterns.

For the most part these fish are shallow. I have been hearing of some great small mouth fishing going on right now. Good numbers walleye are be taken in the weeds. and some perch are being caught in shallow weeds as well.

Please tell us about your experience on the Lake Gogebic! You don't have to give out any specific locations as to where you caught your fish, but I would really like to see a some interaction on this site other that just myself. I'm sure you have got to be getting bored with me.

Thanks for checking in with us and if you been out fishing lately, please feel free to tell us a little bit about your experience.

Have A Great Day On The Water!

06-17-2011, 02:47 PM

I'm new to the site. I fish Lake Gogebic quite a bit and thought it'd be fun to chime in with fishing reports once in a while. Wow...opener on Gogebic this year was awesome. Planning to hit it this weekend for smallies. I'll let you know how it goes.

tim long
06-25-2011, 04:47 PM
Thanks rodney9999,

It's nice to have someone else on the site sharing a little info with us.

The weather has been terrible this past week, with a lot of rain and cold temperatures.
From everything I have heard it sounds like the Walleye bite slowed down during that time period with the cold front that we had. However I did have a few groups of guys that did very well with the perch fishing and came in with big bags of nice 11 and 12 inch perch.

If you haven't heard yet the daily bag limit on Perch will most likely be changing for next year on Lake Gogebic. They are going to reduce the daily bag limit down to 25 and have a slot of only 5 perch over 12". If that were the case this past week, my customers would have been limiting out in both categories. Let me tell you, that is a lot perch filets. We had folks here at the resort that were doing this several days in row. So the perch fishing here on Gogebic is starting to rebound and I am in total support of these new regulatory changes. We always have to keep conservation in mind when we are out there taking from the resource.

I would like to mentioned that the Lake Gogebic Walleyes For Tomorrow Chapter is doing a Perch spawning habitat project. We are doing this project as a 5 year research project and we monitor these habitat structures with underwater cameras and recording devises.
During the monitoring of these structures we have evidence that our structures are being used by the perch to spawn.

Pretty cool "A" (I'm excited!)

By doing this we are hoping to kill two birds with one stone.
1. increase the number of perch for the angler.
2. Increase the forage base for the Walleye in Lake Gogebic.

All right then, till next time, take care and have a great day on the water!

and remember to let us know what your doing out there on Lake Gogebic.


Tim Long

06-28-2011, 09:41 AM
Well.....I worked the west shore for smallies last weekend pretty hard and caught one ~ 15". Tried casting cranks at the shore and trolling with crawler harnesses. Nothing seemed to work. Oh well.

Mark Benson
06-28-2011, 10:15 AM

Been talking to my buddy who has been up there a little with me. We are talking about getting up there soon. He took that walleye class just before the spring walleye tourney. Also had another friend who fished the tourney, thanks for reminding me to check to see how they did... though if they had done well, I am betting I would have heard about it already!!!

Actually been doing quite well casting cranks and fishing weeds with slips for our walleyes in the counties just to the south of ya. Even during the worst of the cold front conditions, fish have been active for me and east winds have been just as good as another... Not pulling any limits, fishing, catching nice fish, one night 15 in an hour and half, letting a pair of 21's go and keeping a pair of 18's, to the next night, same time frame, 5 fish, keeping none, putting back a 21 and 26...


tim long
06-28-2011, 11:05 AM
Nice job Mark,

Sounds like your getting out fishing a lot more than me.
I'm hoping to pick my boat up tomorrow. can't wait to get back on the water

I really like to hear that you are returning those big females so they can spawn another year.
That's what it's all about.

When you get up to Gogebic, stop in and say hi.

Take care,


06-29-2011, 11:16 AM

I am new to this forum and new to fishing Lake Gogebic. I am headed there this weekend and was wondering if anyone could shed some light on how the Walleye fishing is? and possibly give me some pointers on where to go and what to use. Any help would be appreciated.


06-30-2011, 09:04 PM
I fished Gogebic (mostly Bergland Bay)the week of 6/11-18. Did well on walleyes drifting with slip bobbers and casting jigs. Boated about 45 eyes, some perch and smallies. Kept some, but returned many. Most were in the 14-18 inch range. Also caught quite a few small pike...seems like the numbers of those are up. Great time overall.

07-13-2011, 01:27 PM
Hi All,

Anyone been out on Gogebic for walleyes lately? Just curious how the mid summer bite has been.

tim long
07-13-2011, 01:57 PM
Hey rodney9999,

I finally got my boat back on the water. My boat was down for about 3 weeks. What a difference 3 weeks makes. A lot of changes have occurred during that time period with water temps going up about 15 degrees and then coming back down some. Struggled for my first couple times out having limited time when I do get a chance to go out. The best way for me to find fish typically is to cover a lot water by trolling cranks.

From opener on, fishing was pretty easy and everyone was catching fish doing a variety of different techniques. After I got my boat back on the water things were a little bit more difficult. Were I was finding fish was still in the shallow weeds which surprised me a bit with the warm water temps, I would have thought that those fish would have slipped out in the deep water, But the typical deep water trolling passes have produced very few fish for me. The best thing I have found so far is to play the wind and fish the weeds with slip bobbers. I have also got some die hard perch fisherman that have discovered that the perch are feeding on red worms that are just sticking up out of the mud and fishing with their live bait right on the bottom has produced some good baskets of perch.

I'm glad to see that some more people are coming to this site and posting. Having a little interaction on hear makes it much more interesting.

Thanks guys, keep it coming.

Tim Long

07-13-2011, 02:33 PM
Hey Tim,

I've never really given the perch fishing much of a chance this time of year. Maybe I need to rethink that.

tim long
07-13-2011, 02:58 PM
I never fish for them either, but I sure do like eating them. I'm always trying to improve on my Walleye fishing.