View Full Version : Ray Demers Can-Am

06-11-2011, 07:56 AM
Only 2 weeks till the Ray Demers Can-Am tournament up at Lake St. Clair.
I will have the registration forms at next tuesdays meeting for anyone to pre-register. If you can't make the Friday evening registration this is a good way to get it done.
Randy has a Can-Am flyer in the June newsletter for details. The June Muskie magazine has a half page ad with details also.
The Muskies have been biting pretty good. The water color is improving and the south shore and east end are looking good now.
Don't forget to bring some canned food for the Food bank. We have some nice prizes for the food bank raffle. 1 ticket for each food item donated, the drawing is Saturday after the Pork roast lunch.
See ya at the meeting,