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View Full Version : June 10th report

Rob Manthei
06-10-2011, 06:46 AM
Mother nature can be a cruel person.....what a change in weather...one day it's 90 then next it's 50.

Anyway, weed growth really accelerated during the extreme warm up. Coontail and cabbage really sprouted. Water temps sored to the lower 70's on some lakes(surface) and even started seeing some wigglers appearing on the surface.

All in all, this cool down is what we needed to stabilize things...water temps didn't need to get that high, and in my opinion, a quick rise in water temp like that is worse than a huge cold front.

Muskies have been active prior to the weather slump in shallow weed flats(5' to 8') of water. Each day we boated at least one fish and have follows from 8 to 10 others. Suicks, Bobbies, Red October tubes, 6" Jakes, 7" Shallowraiders were the best lures....suprisingly, bucktails weren't very good for us.

Walleyes were still on a minnow bite, however with the warming water and bug hatch around the corner, leeches and crawlers with start working....walleyes will be in a strong weed bite for the next month to month and one half, with deep coontail being the best.

Didn't really fish bass/panfish much, but largemouth were really active along the edges of emerging reed beds on plastics and Gulp!.

We are hosting the Musky Hunter School this weekend, so a lot of guys will be pounding for 'skis...we'll report back them.

Good Luck!!!

06-14-2011, 10:33 AM
Thanks Rob for the update and all that you do. Regards, Randy Price