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View Full Version : Musky Update 6/7

Scott Biscobing
06-07-2011, 02:56 PM
I havwe had a break or taken a break from chasing smallies and walleyes to get out and chase the muskies. I am seeing fish in new weed growth in 5-10 feet of water. They are chasing fairly aggressively. I am seeing fish on glide baits, twitch baits and tails. I was out this morning for a few hours and saw 3 fish and caught a beauty 46". She cam roaring out of a small cabbage patch and just nailed a double showgirl. She was sitting exactly where she should be, on the windy side of the weeds. I was fishing small isolated spots and when a fish is there they are really charging out. i expect tomorrow to be good as well with the from coming through sometime tomorrow afternoon. I would have to say it is go tome for the muskies. The water temps I had today were from 70-71 degrees. The action should continue to get better!!

Good Fishing,