View Full Version : Shore Lunch - Alum Tournament

Rob VanGorder
06-03-2011, 06:52 PM
Shore lunch for the Alum Creek tournament will be tomorrow, 6/4, at 1 PM at the Hollenback boat ramp.

There is a good possibility the ramp and picnic areas will be very crowded, so please be patient and careful coming in and securing your boats. We will set-up to serve on a picnic table (or a card table if all the park tables are taken early), so be sure to look around and find the group.

Lunch will be pulled pork and brisquet sandwiches from Shane's BBQ. We'll have some chips, cookies, pop and water to go with it.

My wife, Jodi, is picking everything up and will have it all set-up so everyone can fish right up until lunch. She willingly volunteered when our crew of scouts didn't work out (little league, other activities, etc), so please be sure to give her a thank you.

Hope to see everyone on the water tomorrow. Be careful and good luck.