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View Full Version : OMG It's the Box

06-03-2011, 11:04 AM
The box just landed this A.M got all the guests all squared away
and now it's time. again bad weather this am storm warnings out very humid
water temps have dropped again down to 50. trout fishing as been very good
and with these water temps they will remain shallow. Pike are starting to show up Paul was in wicked weed yesterday and caught pike and L.Ts in the same place rattle traps and J-13s walleye bite has been excellent. using Gulp
leeches and minnows. Anyway the box has landed it's time to open the damm
thing here goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-03-2011, 01:22 PM
So have you recovered from what's in the box or are you still opening the box...lol I know Johnny Dadson made some very special Rowan colors. How about elaborating on what he made for you. Don't forget my baits are clearly marked & I'm getting pretty excited given the opener is now down to yes, 2wks. away! Here's some of my friends just itching to do damage.

Sounds like fishing has been great!

06-03-2011, 08:05 PM
The box that came today really had me stunned with what was inside.
the baits that jonnie Dadson has put together for our very special ROWAN LAKE selection just really blew me away!.the way he puts these things together blades with bends in them like i have never seen before and colored blades full colors and custom painted ones i mean on and on and on.For thous of you that haven't seen these things you are really in for a great surprise when you do or IF you can get your hands on a couple they are just well I've said it before really something to see jonnie my hat is off to you.YOU are truly an original artist you are well come in MY boat any time.Under one
condition THAT YOU JUST KEEP THROWING for now your friend Don

Johnny Dadson
06-06-2011, 09:27 AM
Awesome Don,

I was hoping they would get there quickly. You are only limited by your imagination so don't hesitate to let me know if you have any ideas for lures.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the Rowan Muskies like them!

Best of luck to you and Silvia and keep me posted!


06-06-2011, 05:14 PM
I don't think there's any doubt that the Rowan Muskies are going to be crushing your baits!!! I figure by week 2 some of these baits are going to be looking beat up in a very good way!

If you can believe, I think yet another color may be in order. How about a "Rowan Ciscoe" Details headed your way.

I know there will be big things to report on what is already "On Hand".

It's almost time to head to the "NFL"!!!