View Full Version : T.F.F. Update

Don Pemble
05-29-2011, 06:31 AM
Friday and Saturday's panfish action was very good as the jumbo perch, crappies, and big bluegills were all on a hot bite. Vertical jigging 1/16th ounce Reeves weedless jigs tipped with a small worm or minnow in the cribs produced very good numbers on Friday, while on Saturday the numbers dropped off as we spent most of the day walleye fishing. Walleyes were on a decent bite, but many fish were missed as they were biting short and many spots were holding nothing but smallies. I couldn't help my friends on the walleye part due to a bum shoulder and was unable to cast a jig, even had a hard time trying to vertical jig, getting old is so much fun.

Back out today to see if shoulder works any better, will keep you posted.