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View Full Version : Wounded Warriors in Action II

Todd Bohm
05-24-2011, 10:18 PM
I had the opportunity to host two combat veterans through the Wounded Warriors in Action organization this past weekend. Matt Tennessen an army veteran and purple heart recepient from Kaukana, Wisconsin who was wounded in Afghanistan and Josh Krueger a marine veteran and purple heart recepient from the Milwaukee area. We hunted turkeys hard for two days and both gentlemen had saw numerous birds and had opportunities at Toms. Matt had told me all he wanted to hear was a tom gobbling in the morning. It all came together on Sunday when he had that and more. After a quiet start to the morning and some light rain, the woods across the field we were set up on exploded with a gobble, followed by a double gobble and then followed by multiple gobbles. Before we knew it, Matt and I had five jakes and five toms come into the fog covered field and shake the woods with their double and triple gobbles. The jakes came right in to our set but the toms stayed back about 70 yards. As the birds milled around for about 10 minutes with the woods shaking with the toms gobbling, Matt made a decision to shoot a jake as they were starting to leave. A 25 yard shot with the 870 remington turkey gun put the jake down and Matt had his first bird. Josh also had a great Sunday morning with a hot tom coming within 30 yards behind them but unfortunately it hooked up with a hen and didn't present a shot. (one of the pictures is the tom in my garden on Monday night. I guess he knew the season was closed) What a great weekend for the two veterans who have given so much to our country. It was certainly filled with memories and new friendships and continues the tradition of our Wounded Warriors outings.

Thank a veteran and take a kid fishing or hunting

See you on the water

Joel DeBoer
05-25-2011, 06:45 PM
Nice work, Todd!