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View Full Version : Call the Governor NOW!!!

Kevin Cochran
05-24-2011, 06:10 PM
I needed to let you know about what has happened in the legislature today. They have voted on a Game and Fish bill that is very detrimental to our fishery and sets horrible precedence.

They have limited the number of special and experimental Pike lakes to 90 from 125. These lakes are showing great signs of improvement in Pike size as well as Walleye stocking success. Now many angler supported lakes will be cut because a few Darkhouse spearers dont like to follow the laws anglers do.

Cass Lake will be opened to spearing after 20+ years of being closed. Since the closure the lake has become one of our best Muskie and Pike waters, the legislation also spells out that the DNR commissioner can not regulate spearing on the lake.

It also allows a popular ski resort to drain water out of the Poplar River putting Steelhead Trout and Coaster Brook Trout at considerable risk for freezing out in the cold months, MN fisherman have spent millions over the years to protect Coasters and now our legislators passed a bill to threaten them further.

Please call Governor Daytons office and ask he Veto the bill, we have no time left; Call today Wednesday may be too late.
800-657-3717 or 651-201-3400

Kevin Cochran
05-26-2011, 10:33 PM
Please make a quick phone call to get this thrown out. It is bad for muskies as well as trophy pike. This bill includes removing a spearing ban and eliminating slot limits on pike.
Due to a lot of calls coming in to the Governor's office, the decision on the Game and Fish Bill will be made in a couple days.
This is our last push to get it vetoed and preserve the DNR's ability to manage our fisheries.

Please call the Minnesota DNR Commissioner 651- 259 -5555 and encourage him to support a veto. We have a lot of support from fishing organizations but we need to get the Commissioner behind it as well.

Also, please send an e-mail to Will Seuffert, the Governor's Policy Adviser, asking him to recommend a veto. Our legislators need to learn that qualified DNR biologists are the ones who should be making fisheries management decisions.

Will Seuffert c/o the Honorable Governor Dayton

This is it- our last chance to stop this GAME and FISH BILL. Please take action before the coming weekend.