View Full Version : T.F.F. Update

Don Pemble
05-16-2011, 06:36 AM
Spent the afternoon on the flowage with a couple of good friends yesterday and not only had a great time, but managed to boat some very nice eyes despite the strong NE winds and bright sky's. Working wind blown shallow wood and weeds with Reeves weedless jigs tipped with large fatheads, we found the eyes ( 17 to 22 inchers ) tight on the bottom in 4 to 7 feet. Along with our 6 nice eyes, we boated a few smallies, pike, and one keeper jumbo perch.

Heading out again today, will keep you posted.

Hot Runr Guy
05-16-2011, 06:56 AM
Don, it was good to see you on the water again. Here's a pic of our 6, the largest being 22". Some nice fillets, too.


05-16-2011, 10:03 AM
Is Reeves jigs still in business? I emailed and looked online but didn't find anything. Are there still any places that sell their jigs up in Mercer? I'll be in town this Thursday for a weekend of fishing. Thanks.


Don Pemble
05-17-2011, 06:13 AM

Reeves are still in business and their jigs can be purchased in Mercer at Flambeau Flowage Sports and at Turtle River Trading Co.

05-17-2011, 09:09 AM

Reeves are still in business and their jigs can be purchased in Mercer at Flambeau Flowage Sports and at Turtle River Trading Co.

Good news Don. See you this weekend!!


jon malone
05-18-2011, 11:14 PM
when was the last time you caught a 30 in eye 8 lb fish I ll undersand if this is deleted without answer

05-19-2011, 06:55 AM
30" walleyes are very rare. I have yet to catch one in my lifetime. My largest is 27" caught (and released) from the Wisconsin river casting large crankbaits in the fall. My TFF biggest is 23" caught last year (and also released). I have not fished places like Green Bay, the Bays De Noc, or Mille Lacs though. I hear they are easier to catch there, but still not very common.

Don Pemble
05-20-2011, 06:19 AM

I've never caught a 30 inch eye, but have come close with 2 measuring in at 29-1/2 and one at 28-1/2 They ranged in weight from 8-1/2 to 9-1/2 pounds. I'ts been a good 20 years since I've got one that size.

St Croix Kid
05-20-2011, 06:14 PM
There are a handful caught up by the dam on Pool 4 Mississippi River in the spring. Pre spawn of course. Those fish are over 10 lbs typically. Never caught one but have been in the boat when one was caught. Impressive fish.

The Frog caster
05-20-2011, 07:54 PM
In 1961 while fishing on the TFF with my Dad and Al Gilbertson I saw what I believe was a 30 incher. Being a boy of 10 yrs. old and a real novice to the fishing world (still don't know my a _ _ from page two) .... anyhow, while we were tied to a stump jigging with crawlers I spotted a huge fish floating past our boat. I asked Al " is that a Muskie" ? .... Al replied, no but it's the biggest walleye I've ever seen !!!! It must have been dead 3 or 4 days he said. I tried to net it and my Dad snapped at me saying "lets concentrate on the one's below the surface" !!! I've often thought of that fish and dream about the day I'll snag a live one that big. Larry F.

05-20-2011, 11:19 PM
Don will hit town about 12 on sat will stop by the the shop when we hit town if your there or out that cool some unstabile weather movin in the next couple days we may see you on the water if we hook up it would be great or if i see you on the water stop and say hi [white syvan with white johnson may have my yellow lab with ) with warm weather it might be time to switch to crawlers . good fishin to all. SS612

05-21-2011, 08:42 AM
Interesting question about the 30" mark, but with the numbers that get caught each season it would seem like it would be attained more often if it was a reasonable expectation for the strain in the lake. Length seems to me more tied to life expectancy, which also seems to be tied to some kind of dormancy or "rest" period for the fish each year. The basin overall may be a little too warm through the season for maximizing longevity. I'm curious as to how common it is for Walleye to attain 30" in fisheries that aren't 2 story fisheries anyway? Seems like a rare occassion in most fisheries for them to reach that size.

I have caught the odd walleye on musky stuff on the TFF, biggest never approached 30".

05-22-2011, 07:01 AM
Just about everybody knows the state record walleye is 18 pounds. But in light of this conversation, I wanted to see how long it was. Lo and behold, there is no length listed for the Wisconsin State Record walleye! It was caught in 1933 out of High Lake in Vilas County. I'm pretty sure they had tape measures back then. And yes Blue, that's even before my time! Here's the link. Kinda fun to wander through these records.