View Full Version : Anyone been out?

Chad Cain
05-04-2011, 12:00 PM
Has anyone been out to Kinkaid lately? I can't even get my boat out of my garage due to flooding. The road in front of my house is closed and underwater, and so is my driveway. On Monday I had 7.5 inches of water in my garage. This flooding sucks!! Big Muddy River is still rising as of today, and I just hope it starts going down tomorrow after it crests, again.

05-05-2011, 08:57 AM
Any info would be greatly appreciated. I am planning on coming down from STL to fish Sunday and Monday with a friend in town from Alabama. Anything I should be aware of?

05-05-2011, 10:04 PM
Went out fishing tonight at Kinkaid from 5 to 8 p.m. Launched at Paul Ice. Water levels have probably dropped a few feet. Could see debris left on the shoreline a few feet up from the water. Levels are still high. Went over the to cliffs and marina. Visibility was poor everywhere I went on the lake. Probably 3-4" of visibility in the water on the main lake. Whole lake looked like chocolate milk. Water temps on the main lake were in the mid 60's. Caught 3 bass, but didn't see/contact a single musky. Might have had a musky behind my bait at some point but the water was too muddy to tell even with polarized sunglasses. Hopefully the lake will clear up some in the next few days. Couldn't believe how high the Big Muddy was when I crossed over the river!