View Full Version : What do muskies really eat??

Red Childress
04-01-2011, 10:45 AM
Back by popular demand:

A short summary of the connection and interaction between the Muskellunge and Walleyes, Bass and other Game fish.


The Muskellunge is one of the most mysterious fish to ever swim in our lakes. There are many misconceptions and misunderstandings about them, and about what their regular diet consists of.

After reading the information contained in this brochure, youll have a better understanding of the Muskie, its diet, and the ways in which the presence of Muskie may actually benefit your lake, such as their controlling of undesirable fish populations.

People have been hesitant to have Muskies stocked into their lakes, as they feared they would consume a substantial amount of other game fish, such as Walleye, Northern Pike, and Bass.

In certain fishing circles youll even hear it said that Muskies Eat All The Walleye, even though studies have proven conclusively that this is just not the case.

It has been proven that NO changes in game fish populations have occurred due to the introduction of Muskies into the lake, and there has been NO negative impact shown toward other species of game fish.

In the study lakes mentioned in this brochure, there were NO instances in which Walleye were proven to make up the primary or even secondary food source choice for Muskies.

Muskie Behavior and Food Preferences:

Feeding studies have shown that other fish make up 95-98% of the Muskies diet, although at times they will also eat Insects, Crayfish, small mammals, and Waterfowl. They are a natural predator, and like all predators, are opportunists. Studies have shown that even when theyre abundant, other game fish actually made up a very small part of the Muskies diet.

Fishermen have reported Muskies attacking Bass and Walleye as they were being reeled in. This may have given the impression that Muskies are significant predators of other game fish, when in fact; the Muskie was simply reacting naturally to the struggling fish due to their predatory instincts.

Muskies generally take advantage of the most abundant prey species available that are of sufficient size for them to eat. Given the opportunity to choose, Muskies prefer soft rayed, high protein based fish such as Suckers, Tullibee, Ciscoes, Bullheads, Carp, and minnows. In fact, the food sources Muskies prefer most are usually fish species that most people would desire to not have in their lake.

The truth is that even though it has been proven that Muskies do have a preferred food source they are opportunistic predators, and occasionally consume other game fish. The amount of other game fish eaten by Muskies is extremely minimal compared to the amount of game fish such as Walleye that are annually harvested by anglers.

Facts, Studies, and Statistics:

A major study was undertaken from July of 1991 through October of 1994, and other documented studies were conducted as long ago as 1952. These studies, as well as others, came to the same conclusion. Game fish such as Walleye make up a very small part of a Muskies diet. In one particular study, the stomach contents from 1092 Muskies were evaluated. The results proved that a Muskies diet is quite diverse, and that in 74% of the sample fish, only one food item was present. Muskies are not voracious feeders consuming fish after fish, as some people would have you believe.

Walleye ranked extremely low in the Muskies diet. In the 1092 study fish, only 5 contained traces of Walleye. This study collected Muskies from 34 separate bodies of water, including lakes with large populations of Walleye. Despite their abundance in those lakes, Walleye proved to not be a very important food source for Muskies. In fact, during the study Muskies and Walleyes were observed in very close proximity to one another, as the Walleye is also a predator. Walleye made up 3.4% of the total stomach content volume found in the Muskies in that study. Bass species found accounted for 3.1%, even lower than that of Walleye. 63.5% of the total stomach content volume was made up of Yellow Perch and various minnow species.

04-01-2011, 10:33 PM
So what you're saying is we should bring some night crawlers up with us and catch a couple of yellow perch before we hit it hard, lol? See you soon man!

Red Childress
04-02-2011, 07:54 AM
If it were only that easy........:)

04-02-2011, 08:32 AM
I noticed last year that (especially in clear water), I had a lot more action with shad and perch pattern baits than anything else. Since then, every time I buy a new type of bait, I start with 1 perch pattern and 1 shad pattern.

I know... self-fulfilling prophecy BS!

Point is that I'm not suprised with the findings above.