View Full Version : Here ya go Jighead !

03-25-2011, 06:41 PM
28 nice gills and crappies , oh and jighead they were good ! There was 2 of us reason for 28 , can't forget that.

03-25-2011, 08:33 PM
nice catch! looks like dinner

03-25-2011, 11:07 PM
Awesome. Looks good.

schmutzomatic 5000
03-26-2011, 10:20 AM
:mad:I see someone has graced us by going to my other favorite web page (sallmarr) to try to harrass people about the amout of eye's they have in the freezer.. In case anyone is interested I am at zer0.. "would ya like a picture" I do have one northern in the freezer fyi. If all you have is negative things to say about amount of fish people have don't bother.. Nobody limits every time out and their are more people concerned about the welfare of this resource than you are aware of.. If you are so concerned about everyone that seems to have a stock pile of walleye why dont you do something constructive. Haul your a## down when they plant fish to scare cormorants, write and call about slot limit's, attend meeting of the area sportsfishing clubs, put ur two cents into [B]constructive[B] criticizum of over harvest, ect... I like the post's on this site and others. I believe other's do also. I don't feel anyone that post on the area's site's (sportsfishermen) are overharvesting and doing any damage to this wonderful resource. IMHO

03-27-2011, 08:09 AM
I apologize if I offended anyone with my talk of limits and all. I guess I was just trying to make people more aware. I will keep things civil from now on. Hope everyone is doing good out there this spring so far. I may have a few things to learn yet. Take care all.