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View Full Version : March Has Arrived And We are Busy!

Captain Tom Straus
03-03-2011, 02:20 PM
Well cabin fever has not been a factor lately, we have moved forward with buying a 2003 Sportcraft with an 8.1 liter V-8 loaded and also picked up another mobile home for our lodging. We are very excited about our new venture with Captain Mark Beard and Captain Sam Veith joining our team we can't miss. The lake is starting to break up some but I believe it will open around the usual time@ March 20. The ice fishing guys have told me that there is a lot of walleyes on their sonar units but the bite one day and the next its lock jaw. There has been a extreme kill of shad washing up but the birds are sure unjoying these snacks. We will start reporting as soon as we have any news...