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02-23-2011, 10:37 PM
I don't know what winter was like where you live, but here in NW Missouri we had one of the coldest winters in recent memory. It's entirely normal to have a few days, a handful at the most, below 0 degrees, but I lost count of how many nights it was below 0 this year - sometimes several nights in a row. I believe it was three weeks ago our high temp was 8 above. That's pretty cold for February around these parts. I know, all you guys from MN, ND and MI are crying in your beer feeling sorry for me, but that's OK, I'll thaw out this July when it's 102. All this has me thinking about just one thing -- IT'S TIME FOR ICE OUT CONTEST VIII.

Looking back over my meticulous records, ice out has been declared on 4/29/07, 5/4/08, 5/4/09 and last year's comparatively early ice out of 4/18/10. When will ice go out in 2011? If winter at Witch Bay was as cold relative to here in NW Missouri, it may not go out in time for season open. Let's pray that doesn't happen.

So, let's try to shake off some of those winter blues and start thinking about our time on the beautiful waters of Witch Bay. Study the stars, read the tea leaves, do whatever you do to divine the heavens and make your guess in the ICE OUT CONTEST. It's just this easy: submit one and only one guess of the date and time of day that Gail or her designated ice watcher will declare that the Bay is ice free. The one guess that is the nearest to the declared day and time of day will win. As usual, the decision of the impartial judges are absolutely and unquestionably final. Entries must be submitted by midnight on Saturday, April 2, as timed by this web page. For a thread that receives hundreds of views, fewer than a dozen entries are usually made. Don't let the log-in process deter you from entering the contest and claiming your place among the legends of Witch Bay.

02-27-2011, 06:28 PM
I predict ice out 2011 will occur at NOON May 1, 2011. OR ... conceivably it could just not happen this year at all because of all the nasty cold weather across North America ... but I will stick with NOON May 1, 2011.

Dakota Bob
03-02-2011, 11:05 AM
How about May 6th,2011. At 3:00 PM

03-02-2011, 12:58 PM
im saying May 5th at 11:43!!!!

03-06-2011, 11:21 AM
I am thinking..... May 7 11am.

Dave B
03-11-2011, 10:50 AM
My prediction is April 23rd at 1:30 p.m.

03-14-2011, 02:35 PM
My prediction for 2011 is April 30 at 2:00 p.m.

I am looking forward to the parade and festivities associated with crowning the ice out guru when I arrive in camp.

Air Lar
03-31-2011, 06:58 AM
I predict... May 17th.
Coming up the end of June. I will be packin my ice fishing gear just in case.

04-03-2011, 09:26 PM
The time to submit entries to the ice out contest has expired. There is no OT period, no filing extension, no do over. With just 7 courageous entries, we now await the declaration of, "ICE OUT!" If I had to guess, I'd say Dave B has the inside track with the earliest entry date of April 23. Ice out could be as much as a week before then, April 16-17. Time will tell. Good luck to one and all.

05-01-2011, 10:36 AM
Well, Buick, do we have a winner?????? Looks like the cold weather is hanging around, impeding ice out.

05-03-2011, 08:57 PM
WBC-Regular wanted to know if we have a winner. Well, we certainly do have a winner, and it's none other than (drum roll, please) WBC-REGULAR. In WBC's case, persistence paid off. WBC guessed May 1 a year ago, and he guessed May 1 this year. He may have been 13 days late last year, but he absolutely nailed it this year hitting the date right on the button. I must say that I'm assuming (and we all know how much trouble that can cause) that WBC is a "he" because I really don't know. Like the old hair care product commercial, only his/her hairdresser knows for sure. Well, I'm stickin' with "he" until WBC tells me differently. WBC, if you're in camp the week of June 5 make yourself known, and I'll report back to all the inquiring minds that want to know.

Hearty congratulations to you on your stunning performance in this year's contest. I'm told that some late cold weather in April kept the ice on the bay longer than earlier anticipated. It was a nail biter with Puma1 just one day off at 4/30. It's an open race, and there can only be one winner. Please join me in honoring WBC as the 2011 "Ice Out (Guessing with the Stars) Contest" winner. I thought about "Ice Out Idol," but I decided I wasn't quite ready to go that far.

Thanks to the seven brave souls who took the time to put their pride on hold and enter this just-for-fun, something-to-get-our-mind-off-winter-and-on-Witch-Bay-Camp contest. Oh, how I wish there were 17 or 70 brave souls who would enter next year's contest. Will WBC defend his crown? Will Puma1 avenge his narrow defeat? Will Susan Luci land a spot in another soap opera? Tune in next year to find out - same time, same channel.

05-03-2011, 09:08 PM
Congratulations to WBC regular, I plan on entering the ice out contest next year. Glad to hear the ice is gone, can't wait to get into camp, will be there in 24 days.

05-04-2011, 11:45 AM
Congrats to WBC Regular
I am sure you will enjoy the parade with bands, floats and local dignitaries preceded by the crowning of this years ICE OUT GURU. Enjoy.

05-05-2011, 09:36 AM
Let's get the most important priorities settled first. I am most definitely a "he" and have been my entire life (to my knowledge and to the record on my birth certificate)!! :)

Second, I want to thank our sponsors (hopefully we will have some next year!), the owners of the camp (Steve and Gail Hockett), the Contest Director (40Buick), the First Runnerup (Puma1), next year's new entrant (basscat), and the 6 other 2011 Ice Out Contest entrants for their work, commitment to the contest, and diligent support of Witch Bay Camp.

Unfortunately, I won't be in camp June 5. I WILL be there in July and again in August, for those of you who wish to congratulate me on my successful prediction and buy me beer. ;)

As I write this I am overwhelmed with emotion at winning this year's contest, unseating last year's winner, and making sure no "dynasty" gets started again (as in the instance of the two-peat a few years ago). Hard work, steely mental conditioning, rigorous over-the-winter physical training, a total knee replacement December 1, and exhausting scientific analysis put me in the winner's circle this year. Along with, that is, pure luck and a bad-luck-for-Kenora and mid-west USA severe cold snap in April.

I congratulate all my co-competitors on their efforts and invite them back for next year's competition. I found their predictions to be challenging, inspiring, and motivating. I look forward to the accolades and coverage to be found in the Kenora Rat Portage Daily News, the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, The Fox News Channel, and Gail's WBC Newsletter. I give my word I will represent the contest, its due dignity, and its integrity well for the coming 12 months.

As a boy my most cherished dream was to win the Annual Witch Bay Camp Ice Out Contest -- even though it didn't exist until 40Buick created it a few years ago. I feel I am at the pinnacle of success now and my next few weeks will be filled with the glow of satisfaction and honor at having won this year's contest.

I will take a few months off now to rest, enjoy my laurels, and let my body and mind heal from the fierce competition. Then, I will start training in September for next year's certain-to-be-grueling competition. NOTICE HAS BEEN SERVED!! GAME ON!!!