View Full Version : Shiver Minnows

02-10-2011, 01:31 PM
What have been the best colors and sizes of shiver minnows this ice season? I have a few and would like to know what else to get. PM me if you want. Have a trip coming up soon. Thanks,


ice chaser
02-10-2011, 04:00 PM
My favorites have been the 00 minnows in razorburn, clown, glow perch and bloody nose. For walleye I have been using the 1/2 once spoons in razorburn, bloody nose, and red grape.. hope this helps they are awesome lures and work really well..

02-10-2011, 04:49 PM
is there some trick to these shiver minnows to get bites. I like the look and from what ive been reading they must work but i have spent 3 long weekends on lbdn and always jig 2 rods. I own about a dozen shiver minnows and 4 spoons and i have had atleast one moonshine lure down at all times and i have yet to catch a fish on any of them. I have gave them much more time than i would any other bait that doesnt produce. Just wondering if there is a little different jigging technique that tiggers bites with these jigs, because i am getting bit with my old stand bys like rapalas and jig heads but nothing on the moonshines.

02-10-2011, 07:16 PM
i would think that they fish exactly like a rap, but i too have had better luck on the rap. maybe its too much with the strong glow. maybe someone with better luck (technique) can chime in.

02-10-2011, 08:41 PM
i just barely move the jig and lift it up slow when fish are present , if the fish are active i'll jig it up and down so my rod tip moves about 6-8" and drop it to the bottom and bounce it off the bottom a couple times and repeat.

02-10-2011, 11:06 PM
When your jigging these lures are you tipping them? With say a minnow or just the head, if so how large a minnow are you using ? I like the lures but have not had any success with them. I can get the fish to look but no takers.

02-11-2011, 07:33 AM
small minnow head , pinch it off about 1/4" behind gills and put it on bottom hook, sometimes i use wiggler or waxworms too and they seem to work better for perch. With the spoons i take the treble off the bottom and add a long shank single hook it lets the bait move more

weekend jimmy
02-11-2011, 11:43 AM
Thanks for all the tips. I have been using them as well with no success. This should help. Keep the tips coming. :)

02-12-2011, 09:59 AM
With sooooo many people fishing with the moonshines....of course some people are bound to get a few fish. But wouldn't they catch a few fish with any other lure too??

There are 100's of guys jiggin and not many fish being caught....I say save your money and nail em on the good ole Do-Jigger.

02-12-2011, 10:54 AM
With sooooo many people fishing with the moonshines....of course some people are bound to get a few fish. But wouldn't they catch a few fish with any other lure too??

There are 100's of guys jiggin and not many fish being caught....I say save your money and nail em on the good ole Do-Jigger.

At the end of the day, you can't beat live bait on a plain hook.

The end :)

Seriously, though, I like Swedish Pimples myself. And the Raps. And the Northland Minnows. And the Moonshines.

Be prepared for whatever it is they want that day--because it will change!

02-12-2011, 06:19 PM
personally never had a bite on any moonshine lures. Blue firetiger glow raps been doing it for me.....the one morning i had the shiverminnow on they didnt even look at it. Put old blue rap down there and bammo!!! Thats just me though

02-12-2011, 06:24 PM
I haven't used a moonshine yet, but recently picked up 2 shiver minnows, perch and grape. I know a few guys don't like the treble at the base(wrap around, hooksets), or lack of hook at the nose. I removed the treble and replaced it with a stinger hook, to insert into bait behind the main single hook, in the middle of the bait. I think this will produce well, maintain good action, but have yet to use it. I would imagine a lot of baits will work, number one key, you need to be where there are fish, and if they aren't biting, you need to switch tactics. I am a firm believer in Swedish pimples. Just give them the size, and action they want. Color dependent on water depth and clarity and time of day (sunshine/moonshine(lol)), size on agressiveness and bait. That's just half of it.

02-13-2011, 09:08 AM
Yoopertroll........Im gonna have to disagree with your plain hook comment. I allways have 4 holes inside my shack and two tipups with atleast one or two set up with a plain hook and minnow and it seems the shiver minnow not tipped is the rod that takes the slam 8 out of 10 times. Not saying im killing the walleye this year but it seems the success I've had mostly was on shiver minnows. Several times I've had them come through my buddys side of the shack not even go up to his bait and come over and slam the shiver minnow

02-13-2011, 10:07 AM
blue tiger raps have been doing it for me too. 7s and 9s

02-13-2011, 11:26 AM
Tip_uptime hit the nail on head. :)

02-13-2011, 12:18 PM
If you all are having problems and don't like the Moonshine shiver's.....I will purchase them from you for $1.00. This way I can enjoy the lookers that don't bite and I won't have to explain to my wife the $ I spent at various sport shops. Just thought I would throw this out at ya!

For me down here in Menominee, I have been doing excellent on the bloodynose and redgrape. The eyes down here are not hogs, but they are perfect eaters. Every once in awhile you also get a bonus and tangle into a brown. If you use an underwater camera like I sometimes do, you also get to see some beautiful sturgeon.

02-13-2011, 08:26 PM
Yoopertroll........Im gonna have to disagree with your plain hook comment. I allways have 4 holes inside my shack and two tipups with atleast one or two set up with a plain hook and minnow and it seems the shiver minnow not tipped is the rod that takes the slam 8 out of 10 times. Not saying im killing the walleye this year but it seems the success I've had mostly was on shiver minnows. Several times I've had them come through my buddys side of the shack not even go up to his bait and come over and slam the shiver minnow

Interesting. Thanks for sharing.

02-13-2011, 08:47 PM
The 00 sized shivers have been awesome for perch. Lots of numbers coming off of this bait. In fact, I have one of these down everytime I am perch fishing. I usually tip with a head of a perch minnow. Best colors have been Tangerine Tiger, Glow Bloody Nose, IK Dominator, and Razorburn.

The walleye fishing for me has sucked this year, doesn't matter what you are using rap vs shiver, they been off when I have been out. Majority of the fish I have caught have come on a Razorburn Shiver.

02-13-2011, 09:38 PM
Me personally I don't like tipping them.....takes some of there action away and makes them look like a contraption. If you want scent......try herring oil

02-13-2011, 10:15 PM
That's why I figured using a stinger instead of the treble will allow for bait through the main hook, with a stinger in the middle of the bait. Something like a minnow or cut bait would still allow for good action and scent, not to mention hook hiding. I bet it will work.

02-14-2011, 07:14 AM
I can't get a good visual how your stinger is gonna setup.......when u rig one up send me a pic. Ill give it a whirl too.......we could be field testers!

02-14-2011, 11:06 AM
after posting about my countless hours of jigging shiver minnows with no success, i finally got my first eye on one saturday morning. I got a 17" good eater on a #0 razorburn with a minnow head on the bottom hook. It was a slow weekend though, got 2 others "eaters" on tip ups and that was it. Mom and fiance were up too though this weekend so dad and i didnt get on the water as much as usual.

02-14-2011, 07:18 PM

Ok, I am in WV, so I will try to explain this the best I can since I can't take a picture as of now. First, remove the treble from the bottom of the shiver minnow, second, attach a stinger hook(a treble with a 3-4 inch piece of mono and a clasp/connecter) to the spot where the original treble was, third, take a minnow(bait), or strip of cut bait, and insert one end(the head end for a minnow) into the single main hook at the tail end of the shiver minnow, fourth, insert the stinger into the middle of the minnow(bait) or cut bait, and then you are set. Since the stinger has a few inches of mono, or line of your choosing, depending on if it was store bought or homemade, you will be able to "swing" it to the middle of your bait, and thus give the shiver minnow a more natural look, with natural action, as opposed to "tipping" the original treble. The stinger will allow for concealment in the bait, and better hooking and action. There you have it.

02-14-2011, 08:37 PM
Alright......I smell what your stepping in!