View Full Version : Lure Auction

Bob Sisson
02-09-2011, 02:25 PM
As a new memeber I was hoping someone could give me a quick overview of the lure auction and how it works. Thank you in advance...Bob

02-09-2011, 09:55 PM
We kind of all bring stuff to donate to the club, fishing related but we have had other things also. Then we auction it all off with the money going to the club. Doug

Rob VanGorder
02-09-2011, 09:55 PM
Bob -

We do it every year as our March meeting. It is our biggest pure fundraiser of the year for the chapter.

1. Members bring items to donate and put them on the tables prior to the meeting. Although it is primarily lures, any tackle or boat related items are gladly accepted. Anything muskie/fishing related including things like art for that matter, as well. The auction is only as good as the generosity of the members who bring items. Both quantity and quality are appreciated, but we'll accept and auction any item donated.

2. You sign up with the treasurer to get an auction number and we take a little time to start the meeting so everyone can preview the selections.

3. The auction starts item by item, and our resident auctioneer will work the crowd to get the highest bid on the item. The high bidder's number is recorded. The process continues until the table is cleared off. Prior to leaving you check out with the treasurer and pay the total amount you bid on your item(s).

Some other notes:

We don't do a business meeting at this March meeting to keep it festive and because we simply run out of time. The last few years, members have brought so much stuff and been very generous, and we've been pushing 10 PM+ to get it all auctioned off. That being said, it is usually our most humorous endeavor of the year and you will have a lot of fun whether you are furiously bidding or sitting back with a beverage and watching the show. It draws about the biggest monthly meeting turnout of our chapter every year.

All the money we raise goes into the chapter treasury, and it becomes a big part of our ability to make generous minnow fund donations as we did last night, to buy the tackle and catfish for our youth outing, fund our banquets and other events, etc, etc.

Each year you will see a number of signature items or coveted custom baits that are generously donated. You can identify these items quickly by the spirited bidding that will take place.

There are a large number of good used muskie baits that will go for a pretty fair price and as the auctioneer gets tired, the deals get a little better and it moves a little quicker.

Not many of the lures on the table have caught fish for their original owner, but they are sure to catch both numbers and big fish for the new owner.

Two years ago, one member got caught up in the moment and bid $30 for a lure he had donated. I think he put it on the table again last year. I'm not going to mention any names, but I'm saving a seat for him this year in the front row.

It takes people who donate, people who bid/buy, and lots of people doing both of those to make it a great success.

That's not a quick overview, but I'm sure I missed a good point or two. Others may chime in, but the biggest advice I'd give is don't miss this one. It's a blast!

Bob Sisson
02-12-2011, 10:59 PM
Thanks guys. I will put a box of stuff together and will see you next month.

Brian V
02-21-2011, 09:08 PM
[QUOTE=Rob VanGorder;66895]Bob -

Two years ago, one member got caught up in the moment and bid $30 for a lure he had donated. I think he put it on the table again last year. I'm not going to mention any names, but I'm saving a seat for him this year in the front row.

He just does that kinda stuff to humor himself and give a little back to the club. Rest assured, he's on a tight leash this year!