View Full Version : Melton Hill

01-30-2011, 10:12 PM
My son Kyle and I decided to go south for the weekend and fish the Bull Run Power Plant's warm water discharge on Melton Hill. About 5 min. into the trip we saw a low 40ish fish on a lazy follow. Thought to myself "this is going to be great!" That was the only action we had all weekend. Was great weather with low to mid 60's in the afternoon both days. Fishin' in T-shirts in January! Power plant was up and running and producing 67 degree temps in the "Hot Hole". There were a couple nice fish caught over the weekend. Saturday we took a picture of a 49" for a guy. Sunday there was a 48" caught before we got out there. Other than those two, that's all we heard of being caught. Hope Alum hurries up and thaws out !
