View Full Version : Wild on the Fly TV show

01-27-2011, 09:16 AM
It looks like this show on the Outdoor Channel is going to have an episode about Musky on the Fly either this week or next week. One site is saying today and tomorrow and another is saying Feb. 5th. Anyhow, I'm psyched to see some flyfishing for Musky shows and wanted to pass it along to you guys cause anything Musky ROCKS!! LOL

01-27-2011, 06:48 PM
Just an update. I recorded the episode that ran today and it was the Musky on the Fly one. Looks like the next episode is tomorrow at 6pm. Not sure if it will be the same one, but its worth checkin out. Its not fishing from start to finish, but it was VERY cool. I just finished watchin it and I'm so fired up to go cast my shoulder off, I don't know how I'm gonna make it another couple of months!!! LOL

Red Childress
01-28-2011, 08:02 AM
I set my DVR last nite. It looks like that same show airs a few times so I should be ok.

01-28-2011, 09:13 AM
Cool, I hope its the same episode. This is the first I've heard of this show and it looks like it would be pretty cool for even just the general flyfishing that they do.

I'll be curious to see what your take is on the last fish that they land Red. It looks like they are fishing some pretty serious river current. With the little time that I've spent Musky fishing moving water, I wonder if I don't spend enough time in those sections of water.

Anyhow, I thought it was a great episode and I'm really kickin myself for not being able to go out and fish with those guys last Fall at their Musky on the Fly shindig!! Maybe this year.

Red Childress
01-28-2011, 10:44 AM
I have not seen the episode yet but will watch it this weekend. According to the episode description, they are fishing a river in the Northwoods of Wisconsin.

I have caught/seen them in 2 feet of water behind boulders while trout fishing. They will definitely move into the faster water, especially at nite/early morning presumably chasing suckers/trout. Those riffle/weedbed/cooler creek mouth areas come into play more and more when there is less dissolved oxygen (higher water temps) in the traditional "slack" water areas. Muskies usually do not inhabit river systems with a gradient greater than a "1 foot drop per mile". There are exceptions, especially on the New River. These fish can really adapt to changes in their environment due to the fact that they originally were a riverine strain of musky way back when and stocked in lakes to increase their recreational value. Normally, muskies that are found in these faster moving waterways will not have the size when compared to fish coming from larger, meandering river systems....aka St. Larry, Ottawa, etc.

I have seen Roland Martin catch muskies on the New River (VA) in traditional boulder shrewn areas in fast current areas due to excessive water temps. Those fish had found comfort behind boulders serving as resting spots/ambush points with increased oxygen levels.

There is a new thread about this episode on the MH site, btw.

01-28-2011, 11:20 AM
Cool, thats great info to keep in mind for the fishin this year. I'll have to check out the thread on MH when I get home tonight. I'm really diggin the progress and attention this technique is starting to get. Soon we'll be seeing articles pop up on the MH magazine on a regular basis. I hope so anyhow. LOL

Red Childress
01-29-2011, 05:47 PM
The biggest musky they caught was from the edge of that fast water you mentioned. The rest of the show focused on the slacker water areas of the Chippewa Flowage.

The pike they caught got clubbed and eaten for breakfast the next day..... kinda interesting that they would show the actual 'clubbing' of the fish.

01-29-2011, 09:32 PM
Yeah, it kind of looked like they were right on the seam of that current and some slack water. I couldn't tell if they were actually casting into the current or not.

I hear you about that pike. It caught me off-guard when they showed it. I'm not a big fan of that kind of thing but what can you do. Even the dude we went Striper fishing with carried one for the same reason.

02-03-2011, 02:47 PM
Just an FYI. It sounds like they are re-airing this episode with maybe a little more on-the-water action this week. Also, from what I read, they seemed pretty happy about having a pike get "bonked" on the head for that episode. LOL