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View Full Version : Booking now for 2011

01-20-2011, 02:38 PM
Hi everyone,

Inquiries are coming in and I'm booking guided fishing trips for next summer now. Book your guided fishing trip now to insure that you get your preferred dates for next season on the beautiful Chippewa Flowage.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


01-21-2011, 12:43 PM
Given your knowledge of the Flowage what would you say are the preferred dates for spring walleye? Or is it more related to water temps? And if so what has been the best water temps on the flowage in the past?


01-21-2011, 09:18 PM
Hi JJ,

It's all related to water temps. The best spring fishing I've had for numbers is when the water temps are around 45-50 degrees. The walleyes are just finishing spawning then. Usually still lots of males still shallow and actively feeding. No matter what you throw at them, they'll hit. Best time for the big mama's usually around 55-60 degrees. They start thier feeding binge to make up for lost time from spawning. After that, all the walleyes will start into thier summer patterns and start to feed predictably.


08-11-2011, 08:01 AM
Hi everyone,

Just a reminder to book your fall fishing trip now. Fall on the Big Chip is beautifull. The trees start turning colors and the Walleyes go on the prowl. I still have plenty of openings for a quality fishing trip.
