View Full Version : no, illinois fishin

Pan Fish
01-09-2011, 05:56 PM
Hey Rfrg , fishing been hit and miss, Good one day/ bad the next ,still have one spot the geese don't want to let close up , With the decent weather fishing been kinda crowded, but if you get off of the main group of fisherman you might be rewarded , Fish are still looking for small crappie minow's ,wax worm's n spikes with orange being the preferred color on a tear drop, fat finke style in the flat's 10 to 18 ft water this weekend ,It's a light bite with the high skies so stay alert to small window's of activity. good luck and good fishin . Lenny Z

Pete Stoltman
01-11-2011, 01:06 AM
Good report there Lenny. Are you coming to the Musky Show next weekend?