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View Full Version : DEC 22nd REPORT

Rob Manthei
12-22-2010, 07:48 AM
Not a whole lot to report here...just checking in.

Ice conditions definitely took a hit yesterday with the 8" of snow we received. I fished with Gillespie for two days and we found ice from 2" to 6"...with lots of slush and water....lots!

It will take quite a while for these lakes to stiffen up. On a side note, the snowmobile trails will be awesome!

I am marking the trail across Big St. today....

Pike are around the weed edges in 8' to 10' and we also found some on deeper rock humps in 20 to 25'...large golden shiners were best

Walleyes are using deep weed edges and mid-lake sand/gravel bars.

Overall, the past week had been slow fishing....it can only pick up...:)

Good Luck!

Rob Manthei