View Full Version : Summertime vacation dates...

Occifer Kevin
12-20-2010, 05:02 PM
Hey guys, just trying to get an idea of when many of you will be headed to the Eagle River area for your annual summer vacations. Jeremy, I already have your dates but I need some from others. I still want to try to plan an RFRG picnic with as many people as possible who can make it!! So let me know when you guys are going to do your annual trips and I'll see what I can do to plan something out!!

Sid Chigger
12-21-2010, 08:12 AM
Hi Kev,

Big Daddy and I have decided to switch ours back to the Fall.. "Chigger Church" is better, less WAFI, PAFI & JAFI traffic on the water and fishing seems better than high summer, being the reasoning.. We'll be calling Padre Chigger to book and pay up our deposit right after the first of the year.. We're going to shoot for arriving Wed Aug 31st 2011 and departing Tuesday Sept 13th.. Over Labor Day weekend hopefully.. Depends on if our unit is available, of course.. Will post back soon as we know..


Jeremy Hopland
12-21-2010, 03:04 PM

I know you have my dates, but I just wanted to remind you that on Saturday, 06/18/10, I'm sure we'll be doing our annual "family-reunion-type-thing". Beer, brats, and all the fixin's, at our cottage. If you can make it, you're welcome to come join the festivities. (Matt, Mat and Pete are also invited, although getting them to show up is like pulling teeth :D )


Pete Stoltman
12-22-2010, 02:45 AM
Will try hard to make it this year Jeremy. Would love to take some time to kick back with you and the family. It ain't always easy given the "summer schedule" of things.

Jeremy Hopland
12-22-2010, 05:16 PM
Will try hard to make it this year Jeremy. Would love to take some time to kick back with you and the family. It ain't always easy given the "summer schedule" of things.

Just giving you guys a hard time, hence the :D ... But it would be cool to host y'all for the day (maybe we could all get in some fishing too).

Sid Chigger
01-07-2011, 03:17 PM
Hey guys, we just booked today for 2011.. Arrive Wednesday 9/7/2011 and staying a couple weeks.. If anyone can come by - we'd sure love to see ya! According to this Vista "gadget" from right this minute we depart Nashville in azacklee 235 days, 13hrs, 43min, 13seconds.. LOLOL

Occifer Kevin
01-10-2011, 12:29 PM
Jeremy, got you in the book. Looks like we will be fishing on Friday the 17th of June if that works out for you!! And I can hang out and meet the family too!! Just let me know what you need me to bring and I'd love to partake in the festivities!!

Sid and Big Daddy!! I got you in the books!! I will be there for a couple of the days. I have my annual Minocqua musky tournament during that time so when I'm done I'll just swing on over to ER and have some more fun!!

Sid Chigger
01-11-2011, 07:59 AM
Lookin forward to it Deputy Chigger!!

Jeremy Hopland
01-11-2011, 08:00 PM
Jeremy, got you in the book. Looks like we will be fishing on Friday the 17th of June if that works out for you!! And I can hang out and meet the family too!! Just let me know what you need me to bring and I'd love to partake in the festivities!!

Sid and Big Daddy!! I got you in the books!! I will be there for a couple of the days. I have my annual Minocqua musky tournament during that time so when I'm done I'll just swing on over to ER and have some more fun!!

Kevin - All you've got to do is bring yourself! Let me know what kind of CAB you drink and I'll make sure we have some on hand. Can't wait!