View Full Version : I got $375 in Cabala Bucks

12-12-2010, 12:02 PM
I'm lookin to spend it on a underwater camera. I know they aren't a necessity but I have always enjoyed watching fish. I bought a $50 special last year just to see if I would use it and figured I would upgrade if needed. That camera didn't work well in my local slightly murky lakes, but did work fine during the day on the bay. Also I found it inconvenient setting it up to see my bait.

I'm looking for a better camera with better low light viewing, camera needs to be rotating or I will buy a device to do this remotely, and perhaps a better brighter screen for better day time viewing.

The camera has to be sold at Cabalas. Camera info is readily available there.

Here are my picks so far.

Advanced Angler Elite Panning camera. $299
Advanced Angler Elite 5.5 $199 plus panning device $50 (have doubts about camera in a dome in above camer)
Marcum VS620 $399 Plus panning device $50
This would be my choice except it is way over budget.

Please, if your bored and have the time give me a little help here as there aren't any real reviews on these things that I can find.

Thanks Guys

12-12-2010, 01:07 PM
I did some looking into getting a new camera also. I read more bad reports then good about the panning cameras on the advanced angler elite. I currently have the older version black and white 7" cabalas advanced angler. It works well but im looking for 1 with a little better picture im considering marcum brand myself. Marcum website has some videos about their cameras.they say for night fishing u r better off with black and white.i just bought a marcum panning device with remote for 40 bucks used for the first time yesterday and it worked great but i was in shallow water havent be able to try it in deep water yet. Also on the panning cameras you dont have any down view.

12-12-2010, 07:14 PM
i would save up some $ and go with the marcum.. nothing like spending 200 bucks on a cheapo and then wishing you wouldve saved for a couple of months and bought one that you will be happy with. thats my 2 cents.

12-13-2010, 07:48 AM
Well, I've heard the old "save up and by the better one". I've said it my self more than once. The Marcum has a daylight veiwable screens, Is the unit that much better?

Also I never thought about no vertical veiw on the panning unit.


12-13-2010, 09:07 AM
So far the best camera I have seen or used would have to be one of the black and white Aqua Vu. I bought one of the Cabelas cameras and returned it after one trip out. In 8 feet of water I could barely make out anything. I've seen some of the other ones in action and in my opinion, the Aqua Vu has the best picture in deeper water or lower light conditions. I have the $15 plastic tripod with the rubber stopper and I never have any problem finding my bait within a matter of 30 seconds. Somply lower the camera to the bottom and connect the stopper to the cable. Drop your bait to the bottom and turn the stopper until you find it. The stopper then sits in a recess on the tripod to keep it from moving. You can then adjust pretty easily from there. It sure beats the "Freeze the cable to the side of the hole" when these things first came out. There are many out there but when you can count scales on a perch in Lake Independance in 30 fow with a foot of ice and a foot of snow, I think that is pretty good.

12-13-2010, 04:02 PM
A friend bought an inexpensive Cabela's UVS unit. It developed a leak and stopped working after using it eight times. Cabela's would not replace it and they could not provide any information about buying replacement parts. Go with the MarCum.

12-14-2010, 11:17 AM
I have a guide series underwater camera, and had the problem of finding my lure, and also keeping it there. I used a tripod that i had for a spotting scope, and it solved all my problems, now i have no probs finding my lure and keeping it in the screen. a tripod that allows you to 'pinch', or hold the cable would hopefully solve that issue for you.

12-14-2010, 03:37 PM
I have a Marcum VS 380 B&W and I love it. It is so clear and easy to operate. I had the compass for turning the cable last year but it was a pain. I bought the MarCum Automatic - Remote Controlled Camera Panning Device this year. It should be a cinch this year.


12-15-2010, 05:44 PM
Thanks for all the input.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to get the Marcum VS620 and the panning device. It's over my budget but Marcums rep., daylight viewable, updated camera makes it hard to pass up. Only thing is, it's on back order. I'm gona call em to see how long until it comes in.

Thanks much


12-15-2010, 07:05 PM
Hey stevewalleye...Check this site out. I bought my VS 380 camera and a flasher there last winter. They have free shipping and were really fast. And I liked the price there.
