View Full Version : RFRG Outdoors Radio Saturday 7pm

Muskie Matt
11-20-2010, 12:10 AM
Muskie Matt & RFRG Outdoor Radio Reminder: We'll be having a SATURDAY night show this week. Tomorrow evening at 7pm, the Musky Brothers, Jacob and Jared, will be joining us. They arrived in Eagle River this evening and we sat for awhile and spoke. VERY interesting boys and I think we're going to have a great show tomorrow night!

Pete and I are going to... fish with the boys a bit tomorrow and we'll be discussing that and a lot more on the show, their travels, people they've fished with, and their preferred waters and techniques. These are a couple very interesting kids! Join us live from the Wild Eagle Lodge, SATURDAY evening, 7pm, find us here:

Pete Stoltman
11-21-2010, 01:57 PM
Man, we had a great time with the Musky Brothers and their dad Jason. Great kids and unbelievably dedicated. Hope you had a chance to hear the show. These guys are FAMOUS. Had calls from Kentucky, California, Ontario, Wisco, Illinois and probably something I'm forgetting offhand. Archived show should be up soon. Give it a listen. There's going to be more good things happening between RFRG and Musky Brothers in the future and you can take that to the bank.

Muskie Matt
11-22-2010, 11:14 AM
We had a GREAT show last week with the Musky Brothers! We recieved calls from CA, KY, Canada, and all points between! We give a big thank you to the Brothers and all the callers for making the show very special!


Join us this coming Sunday, regular evening, regular time, and find out if the RFRG Guys have wrapped up open water fishing or not. Time to break out the ice gear? Tune in next Sunday and find out!

Musky Brothers
11-22-2010, 06:45 PM
Hi guys, we just wanted to thank you for having us on the show and fishing with us. It was so much fun! Thanks again for everything!

Pete Stoltman
11-22-2010, 06:50 PM
It was entirely our pleasure boys. You guys are welcome anytime. Maybe next trip we'll stick a fish or two. Keep up the good work and stay in touch. Now get that homework done!