View Full Version : Musky Brothers coming to town

Pete Stoltman
11-12-2010, 09:16 AM
The current plan is that we are having the Musky Brothers Jared and Jacob Stankowski (aka the Musky Brothers) come fish with Muskie Matt and myself next weekend. They will then be our very special guests on the "Regular Fishin' - Regular Guys Outdoors" radio show. We will actually move the show to Saturday night because the boys have to be back in school on Monday so usual Sunday night broadcast won't work for them. Watch for more details on this and showtime confirmation. I'm really looking forward to getting a chance to fish with these enthusiastic young men and get their perspective on musky fishing. Probably have more kid oriented content on the show that night too. Hint hint...trophy trivia.

Keep watching for details as the plan firms up.

Musky Brothers
11-13-2010, 11:42 PM
Hello Mr. Stoltman, we are very excited to fish with you next weekend!

Muskie Matt
11-16-2010, 08:00 AM

Join us this Saturday evening as twins Jacob and Jared, the Musky Brothers, will be joining us for the show! This is a great chance for young muskie fishermen to ask questions about muskie fishing or maybe to get your own kids involved in this great sport! Find out more about the Musky Brothers here: http://www.muskybrothers.com
We're going to have a hoot this Saturday evening!

Sid Chigger
11-16-2010, 12:23 PM
Hi Fellas! I hope you all have a productive weekend fishing...

I'll be in the studio Saturday evening so I'll catch the show via archives once it gets posted..

Just wanted to say hi to Jacob & Jared - Go get 'em guys!!


Pete Stoltman
11-17-2010, 02:06 AM
Ya know, I'm about as excited to fish with these guys as anything else I've done all season. A good shot of youthful enthusiasm is just what I need to wrap up the season. Don't get me wrong I've had a lot of fun and some great guests but I just sense that this is going to be a special day. Sure hope so.