View Full Version : Post Your Report

Pete Stoltman
10-21-2010, 01:37 AM
Hey, we know a lot of you are out their fishing yourselves. Don't be shy, tell us how you're doing. Collectively among us their is a ton of knowledge that we all can benefit from. If you're fishing downstate, Green Bay, or elsewhere in the northwoods let us hear from you. We'd be happy to post your pics if you're not familiar with how to do it. Shoot me or Matt an email with the photo and we'll get them up here for you.
Don't forget we also enjoy getting reports called or emailed in to the RFRG Outdoor Radio Show on Sunday. Give us a call anytime between 7:00 and 9:00 at 715-479-7574 or if you ARE the shy type send an email to rfrgradio@gmail.com .

Mark Benson
10-21-2010, 10:38 AM
Amazing that just 30 minutes ago our first snow squall rolled through!!! Haven't been on the water forever save the 6 hour trip two Sundays ago when everyone was struggling, including me. With the 1 year old lab, its to the woods to chase grouse. There have been decent numbers in a year where summer scouting produced very little in the way of popping up some young ones. Had two family members w/ bear tags so all of Sept. was devoted to that endeavor with disappointing results this year. So fishing was nil. Hoping to get the last of the winterization things taken care of this weekend and FISH!!!

My thought for the day, it is nice to see when you boys are so busy with all the other things going on that you have started to post up things back on this page. There was a time when you were faithfully the busiest thread of the Wisconsin guide moderators and even though you may not get back there, to see your presence here is to those of us who are not facebooking and twittering. I commend your endeavors into the internet radio world and am just happy to see a little bit of energy thrust back here!!!

Last thought... second snow shower rolling through, that'll help bring those water temps down even faster.. and its done!!!


Sid Chigger
10-21-2010, 02:54 PM
Snow? Today?? WOW!

Pete Stoltman
10-21-2010, 08:49 PM
Thanks for the hunting report and the nice words Mark. Yes, it's been a busy summer and sometimes just a bit too easy to throw a couple words up on Facebook or Twitter. This whole "social media" thing is sometimes overwhelming. Don't worry, we won't forget our roots and during our last couple corporate meetings have made a committment to get back on the ball with the reports and usual nonsense you've become accustomed to. Now for those who actually dig the whole Facebook thing you can find us on FB at the Muskie Matt & RFRG Outdoor Radiopage. Matt has taken the lead on that and of course we'll both be posting stuff there and back here on the regular fishing report board. Appreciate the reminder and gentle nudge.

Yes Sid, snow today. This is the latest I remember it happening in the 9 years I've been in the area. Usually get a light spackling around the second week of the month. Still plenty of time for good fishing and some decent weather yet to come.

Jim L
10-24-2010, 03:23 PM
Caught 2 muskies on SAturday AM before the rain came, 31" and 40". Both within 10 minutes of one another between 11;30-11:45. 10-13 feet of water in or above weeds. Last weekend , same lake 4-6 feet of water over rock was the place to be. Anyone else see a feeding window at that time? WInd picked up a bit around that time otherwise nothing notable occurred. Suckers sure are small. Hope I can find a few larger ones as the 40 came on a larger sucker. Tail gunners on the suckers have really triggered fish for me this fall.