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View Full Version : Turnover on Mendota

10-17-2010, 09:25 PM
When was turnover? Did I miss it? I was watching the temps on the buoy but it wasn't working. My LCR temp was 57/58 on Sat 10/16 so I figured the lake must have turned. No fish either except 1 catfish on an 8 inch bucktail fishing for northern....go figure.

Muskie Nut
10-18-2010, 08:10 AM
Its coming yet. You didn't miss it. If you read rick the diver's report you will that the water below is 55 degrees. It will flip most times when the water on top gets nearer to 54 (depending on the wind). If its windy, the mixing will happen quicker and earlier.

Also you didn't mention what lake you were on. The lakes will star to flip starting with the smallest one (Wauby) to the largest Mendota).

Muskie Nut
11-04-2010, 08:20 AM
I was on Mendota on Tuesday the 2nd. Turnover was evident on the west end but was clearer on the east end. The process should be finishing up this week.

11-05-2010, 02:32 PM
Thanks Musky Nut, I appreciate your reply.