View Full Version : Changes in the DNRE Fishery Division

10-15-2010, 08:46 PM
Changes have taken place in the DNRE Fishery Division in the Upper Peninsula.
The fish biologist in Crystal Falls was dismissed! The Fishery Division is combining the Escanaba and Crystal Falls office into one and the biologist who will be in charge is Jessica Mistak. The Fishery Division office will be in Escanaba.
As the UPSA Fishery Committee Chairman I have been authorized to write letters, in opposition on both of these subjects, to the DNRE Fishery Division, at the October quarterly meeting of the UPSA.
After inquiring about these subjects with UPSA affiliated clubs involved, individules who have had contact with Jessica Mistak and Bill Ziegler, and others in the UPSA, I have come to the conclusion that I will not write the above mentioned letters!
This does not mean that I am not against these moves, but I would rather deal with the DNRE Fishery Division on policy of management of the fishery.

Upper Peninsula Sportsman Alliance
Vice President & Chairman Fishery Committee
C.Dave Westerberg

IM MuskyTime
10-18-2010, 10:41 PM
I don't understand this....If UPSA voted in favor of sending letters expressing concern about these issues, then how can you (or better, why would you) make the decision not to do so independently? Why would there be voting otherwise? If that's the case, I would certainly question UPSA's overall ability to be effective and wonder why any organizations I'm involved with would continue to participate as members.

I don't know if your information is factual or not with the office merger, although there have been rumors for some time. But as far as saving the fight for "policy of management of the fishery", I think there is a direct relationship between future policy and what has happened. I noticed you say management of "the fishery" (singular), so is the only body of water UPSA cares about or represents the Bay? I wouldn't think so, based on membership, but maybe I'm wrong.

Dave, I don't mean this as a personal attack. I don't know you at all and I'm sure you've done a load of thankless work as VP of UPSA. But even if you were told by someone that these letters wouldn't do any good, I certainly still think they need to be sent on behalf of the membership regardless.

Benji Wood
V.P., Boundary Waters Musky Club
Iron Mountain, MI

10-19-2010, 07:01 AM
Dave, perhaps you could clarify some details if you have a minute for some of us not directly involved with upsa. Is UPSA against the dismissal and combining of offices? For the reasons...?

10-20-2010, 06:37 PM
To Benji about the letters, the reason I did not write those letters - I was getting mixed info if the dismissal was justified or not. The promotion of Jessica Mistak was the same reason, some of our member clubs were in favor of her and others were not.
And one other big reason - My name is the one on the letters!