View Full Version : Wild Eagle Musky School Report

Pete Stoltman
10-12-2010, 10:21 AM
Well, we always tell the truth here and the truth is: we got spanked. Absolutely beautiful fall weather was just what the muskies did NOT want. Had a great group of participants who worked their tails off for fish but they were sure hard to come by. Pat managed to boat a couple of shorties and paricipant Matt tangled with a fish late in the day Saturday. Other than that their were a few sightings. The fish had a case of "flash and dash". They would come charging up on a lure aggressively and then run off just as fast.
Outside of the fishing not being so great we did manage to accomplish some good stuff. Paricipants were able to learn their way around the chain and discover presentations that they were not entirely familiar with. Matt, who hadn't fished muskies previously learned how to cast and by the end of the weekend exuded confidence in his new found ability. JJ and Gary fished HARD and under any other conditions I'm sure they would have put some solid fish in the boat.
As always Derek and the folks at Wild Eagle put together a top notch weekend with great accomodations. Awards ceremony took place at the RFRG Radio Show Sunday night with a final award going to JJ at breakfast Monday morning at Leif's Cafe. All in all it was a fun outing and a big thank you to all the participants from me and Muskie Matt for your enthusiasm and cooperation.

Jay Jay
10-13-2010, 10:21 AM
Pete is right. We did struggle to boat fish. I told Gary on the drive up that the weather would be great for us but probably not good for muskie fishing. We spoke about muskie fishing and Gary and I agreed that even just seeing a fish, it is a successfull day. We did see fish.
Matt if you read this get out while you can it's an addiction that you can't stop once you hook a fish. Wait a minute thats right you did hook a fish. Its to late for you now.
Pat, if I get to the school again or if I'm near the chain sometime when I'm up there, I'm going to look for the muskie barge and follow it around. The muskies won't be to far away from it.
Derek, wow I have to say the wild eagle lodge has class A accommodations second to none. Thank you.
The same goes for Leif's cafe. They have excellent food!
Pete, I appreciate your patience when you had to move me to retrieve my lures several times. I have never snagged up that many times in all the years since I got addicted to muskie fishing.
Muskie Matt, thanks for showing Gary and I how to work those custom lures that you have and for the entertainment under the bridge. It reminded of myself at times. Funny stuff although not for you at the time.
I know Gary and I had a great time and if our schedules are open, next year we will be back. Maybe it will be more like fall temperatures and we will boat some fish.
Thank you for the award, although I think everyone fished just as Hard.
To everyone that reads this, I highly recommend that you attend one of the fishing schools that are offered by the wild eagle lodge and RFRG. There is always something new to learn. I know I did.
Thank you again to everyone.

Sid Chigger
10-14-2010, 07:31 AM
I would like to hear more about the under the bridge "entertainment", please.. :-)

Sounds as if it was a success with the exception of cooperative fish..

Jay Jay
10-14-2010, 09:05 AM
Sid after much thought and debating if I should share the story over the internet or not, I decided that what is fair is fair. Muskie Matt told the whole world wide web that was listening to the RFRG show sunday night about the little incident that Gary and I had. So here is the bridge story.
Gary and I were in Muskie Matts boat for about four hours Sunday morning. After he dropped us off back to my boat, Gary and I were working a little deeper water about 75 yards away from Matt. He was working the shoreline going towards the bridge. Next thing you know he is under the bridge with the bow of his boat touching the shore. The trolling motor is not in the water and he is on his stomach reaching in the water. Then he has a paddle out and is smacking the water with it. The whole time explicitives are echoing out from under the bridge. His lure snagged up and was caught in some kind of nylon mesh. It was quite comical and entertaining for Gary and I, but at the time not for Matt. We all laughed about it later.
Now since Gary and my incident has already been broadcasted by Muskie Matt and with Pete chiming in, you can hear it in the archives 10-10-10 1st hour. The last five minutes.
That's about it for now.

Sid Chigger
10-14-2010, 10:43 AM
Matt cusses?

Really? :-)

I missed the show this past weekend - On the road.. Gonna have a listen now, though.. Thanks JJ!

Sid Chigger
10-14-2010, 11:01 AM
Listening to last weekends show - Classic:

Gizmo to OneTee: So how's the muskie action been for ya this week?

OneTee: Bout like drivin to work with a gun in your mouth...


Pete Stoltman
10-17-2010, 09:01 AM
That one is definitely going into the permanent archive and no doubt will be in the mix if we ever do a "Best Of" show.