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View Full Version : An odd mixed bag

The Bait Shop Guy
10-08-2010, 09:56 PM
"One of these things is not like the others. One of these things is not the same"

Fished the Escanaba River and Escanaba harbor today. Got the small king drifting spawn at the dam, and the panfish in the harbor on teardrops tipped with a piece of worm.

10-10-2010, 02:16 AM
When you gonna take me fishing?

10-10-2010, 09:28 AM
I'm first on his list...lol

Captain Ahab
10-11-2010, 11:44 AM
Wow, now that's a mix I haven't seen before! Down here in West Michigan we have a slim shot at a walleye/pike and salmon mix during the run (especially when guys troll the harbor after dark). Having caught all the fish from the bank makes it that much better! That's one of those pictures that needs some further explanation. Great Job! Thanks for the post.


10-11-2010, 04:40 PM
Ahab...What part of West Michigan are you from?

The Bait Shop Guy
10-11-2010, 09:29 PM
That's one of those pictures that needs some further explanation.

Not much of a story. Ran out to the shop in the afternoon, to drop some stuff off.. Stopped at the dam on the way home, and caught the king. Went home, hooked up the boat, and hit the harbor. I guess I didn't mention that I also caught two legal bass, (largemouth and smallmouth,) and two undersized pike. Would have been a REALLY mixed bag if I had kept the bass.

Fished the harbor Sunday evening. No bass activity, so I switched over to gills. Landed 20 in 20 minutes, with 6 keepers. Headed down there this evening with the intention of catching enough gills to add to yesterdays catch, to have enough for a meal. Fished for over an hour, but only managed to land 5 gills and a big rockbass. Bite was REALLY off! Anyway, 5 of the 6 fish were big enough to keep, and we had fresh panfish for dinner tonight.

Tough to beat beer battered bluegills!

10-12-2010, 06:26 PM
I see you mentioned catching a Largemouth Bass. I have fished the Bay for 17 years and had never seen a Largemouth Bass intill yesterday. My dad caught a 4lb 12 ounch Largemouth off an area we call "Musky" Point, that name stuck after my brother caught a Musky there several years ago. I have never seen a Largermouth in the Bay and have never seen a Musky since either. How wierd was it to see both fish caught in the same area. Great fishing in the Bay for a short trip of 3 days, several Northerns, Smallmouth Bass, Walleyes and the Largemouth.

Captain Ahab
10-13-2010, 12:05 AM
Originally, I'm from the Muskegon area. Fortunately or unfortunately, I'm currently in Grand Rapids and by year's end I'll be moving to Minneapolis.